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Posts posted by synthc

  1. This happens to me every few minutes. I quit because of it... hopefully someday it will be fixed.

    uhm that must be you then ... bad connection or something ....

    OR you join a very bad server ...

    that in the video is a server problem, not a client problem ...

    I know it's a server problem, but my connection is fine—30 mbps cable and I've checked to make sure it isn't dropping out or anything. This also happens on every server I've ever joined; some are better than others, but I can rarely make it through a match without having to quit and rejoin because of a freeze.

    At the very least this game needs a reconnect feature that will allow you to reconnect to the server without having to quit (thus losing your character/credits and having your vehicle stolen).

  2. We're hard at work on Beta 3, and there is a huge focus on optimization and stability. However it is taking some time to find out the real causes for the crashes as they keep eluding the crash logs. There is already a sizable change list and a very noticeable boost in performance, however there is still work to be done. We are working on new maps that may or may not make it into Beta 3 as they are still in development, as well as a bran new launcher.

    Thanks for the info. Will there be any fix for the server lag (

    )? It seems that right now there's no way to reconnect after you've lagged out, so it usually takes at least 5 minutes for lag to stop (sometimes up to 30 mins); or the game will kick you from the server.

    This issue is far more annoying than the crashes for me, since I'm very rarely able to play an entire game without having to leave and rejoin several times.

  3. They need to focus entirely on making the game stable. New maps and everything else can wait. Server interaction (crashes and lag) need to fixed; the game is hardly playable for most of us who don't live in Europe due to server lag.

  4. I understand the purpose of secondary weapons, but as they are, it's a horrible use of credits. If they are going to serve only the purpose of making infantry more versatile then they need to be a lot cheaper. Personally I like the idea of upgrading your secondary weapon for the entire game (though I admit that it's a bit OP as it is, prices should be higher).

    And this is definitely not the only reason why I went back to version 1. Version 2 doesn't fix any of crashing for me but it's way more laggy; this is my primary reason for going back to 1. Currently version 1 is a lot more active than 2 and think this may be one of the reasons why.

  5. The version 2 patch has made secondary weapons pretty useless. Of course, they need to not carry over to new games, but you should still respawn with them after dying. The non-tiberium weapons are hardly any better than the basic infantry weapons (ex. grenade launcher≈heavy pistol; automatic rifle≈carbine). The tiberium weapons are good, but considering their cost and the fact that they need a silo, they still aren't that great.

    The biggest issue is that none of these weapons give you any health, so you're better off just buying characters. Increasing the cost of secondary weapons is fine, but you should be able to keep them all game. I'll be going back to version 1, both for this reason and also because version 2 doesn't actually fix any of the crashing for me and it's a lot more laggy.

  6. I agree entirely with OP. Once the barracks/WF/PP is destroyed the game gets really boring (depending on the map and whether you like to play infantry or vehicles), and once the refinery is destroyed the game is over—there's no point in playing any more.

    Here are two potential ways to change this:

    #1) Easy Fix: Increase the HP of the refinery and have buildings take less damage from the Master Control Terminal (engi rush is really too strong, especially in pub matches with smaller numbers of players). Also increase the global trickle of credits and make it continue even when the refinery is destroyed (losing harvester income is already a massive disadvantage). A surrender vote option would be nice as well, rather than having people leave and just sitting around waiting for the game to end.

    #2) Thorough Fix: Make it so that once a building is destroyed, it counts as destroyed as far as the base destruction victory condition goes, but make it so that it the functionality of the building is restored after 5-10 mins; also make it so that the restored/damaged building has only half of its normal max HP, making it easier to destroy subsequent times. This way destroying buildings still gives a significant advantage, but it isn't a game-ender, nor does it make games boring by removing the aspect of the game that people like (either infantry or vehicles, or both). If people are worried about logic and realism, this breach of realism actually already exists, since the war factory/airstrip will still make harvesters even after it's been destroyed.

  7. I used stat net and everything looks fine.

    Another video showing stat net and stat fps. Also show the no weapon bug, and the game crashes at the end when I try to reload (this happens consistently).

  8. I've been having really bad lag in a lot of my games where everyone starts running into walls or in circles and if I die, I respawn with no weapons and usually I can't leave the building because the doors won't open. Occasionally the game recovers and everything goes back to normal, but usually it either stays like like this forever or I get kicked off of the server.

    I've tried all kinds of different graphics settings including everything on low with dynamic shadows and lighting off; as well as various resolutions and windowed mode, but nothing seems to reduce the frequency of this bug. I've also set my GPU to prefer maximum performance in global settings and in app specific settings for Renegade X in the Nvidia Control Panel.

    It's not my internet connection that's the problem—I have exceptions made in all of my firewalls and I live in the U.S. with 30/5 MB/s cable. It doesn't seem to make a difference whether I play on U.S. or European servers though. I've also checked when this lag happens to make sure my internet hasn't dropped out.

    The only thing that seems to reduce the frequency of this lag is playing in smaller servers—it seems to happen a lot less often in 24 players games than in 40 player ones.

    Here is a video of what happens:

  9. I'm not sure where to post this, but I'm getting a strange bug in about 1/3 of my games where everything either stops moving or spins around in circles/runs into things I can't shoot or do anything. If I'm in a vehicle and I exit, I'll fall off the map. As an infantry I usually get stuck and have to suicide; after that I respawn with no weapons (character is empty-handed) and I can run around but I can't do anything else. I've tried different graphics settings, but it doesn't seem to make any difference (possibly happens less often with the nvidia AA). The only way to fix this glitch is to leave the game.

    Also, at least half the time after a game ends it crashes instead of loading into the next round.

    My rig:

    Windows 7 64 bit

    GTX 760

    i5 3570K

    8 GB RAM

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