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Posts posted by disorder

  1. I think it would be cool to have base OBL/ADT damage scaled to current player capacity, so that if you don't have many players on the server its not impossible to assault on those maps.

    In terms of damage, I am not sure what they currently output, but something like 25% of the total units damage with 1-8 players. Meaning 4 shots to kill you.

    9-16 players its 33% of units damage, taking 3 shots to kill you

    17-24 would be 50% damage, 2 shots to kill

    24-32 would be 75% damage

    and 33-40 would be full standard damage.

  2. I did this last night, I was in the base helping but noticed I had nearly 3600 credits, so I built 4 medium tanks then in CAPS I said "There are free tanks at the WF, pls take one!" Then I stood around guarding them to make sure they were all taken. I also said multiple times in caps that they were there, and they were all taken by our own team so no biggie.

    Now this is the strange thing. We were behind with 32k points to Nod's 40k. My tank spam along with the 2 mams and 2+ mrls we had in the field allowed us to push back the enemy frontline right back to their base and we secured the victory.

    Soo.. free tank spam is fine if handled properly and none are stolen. Maybe it should team-lock the vehicles until someone has at least got in and got out again. But still, Stop complaining. It is a risky maneuver and the reward when done properly pays off very well. Like all high risk ventures you need total awareness of the situation before trying it, but since it is a part of the game and not a hack why not continue to let people do it as long as it is properly handled.

    I doubt it really matters compared to the amount of times it works vs the times it didn't.

  3. If you play stank like regular tanks of course you will lose, they are better for getting in behind. Use the ability to flank and you will always get a good few shots off. Combine your timing with light tank strikes from the regular 'flow direction ' for good results.

    Anyway, I have a few suggestions for stealth/bases. First, I think it would be neat to have a deployable stealth detector item, that is like a replacement for grenade/c4 and has a small radius and mapreveals enemies who are stealth. maybe lasts 3 mins so you need to keep replacing it.

    Secondly I think AGT and OBL are really overpowered, and sometimes it feels like its a fight against those things more than it is against a coordinated and powerful enemy. So Nerf the base defences and allow them to cause significant damage but not almost 1 shot everything. They should be supplemental to the effectiveness of the team.

    Finally work the main AGT and OBL defence structures into all maps. Now it is up to the players to coordinate finding of stealth units, but windows of opportunity remain for stealth units to infiltrate. If the stealth unit does get seen by a tower they are not killed instantly and may still get into the base, bearing in mind that a massive tower firing will usually alert someone to your presence anyway.

    TLDR merge the idea of all or nothing base defences so that all player classes have an equal footing and less swing towards stealth on non defence maps and power on defence maps.

  4. I thought in RL that all guns spread by basically having recoil, so they are linked. That is my understanding. You get recoil on all guns but it's only the autos (full or burst) when you hold down the trigger while the remaining time is you reacquiring the target after the gun has jumped from its original aiming point.

    A bullet can deviate based on weather/wind/gravity of course.. but those things are not all modelled. And you holding onto the weapon and it's weight along with breathing can add sway. but that isn't really modelled either?

    Spread is a fake idea of computer gaming to emulate real recoil. SOOOO

    Remove fake bullet spread and just have a small amount of recoil that as well as jolting upwards also jumps slightly left or right randomly and make it a sliding scale that gets more noticeable on higher calibre full auto weapons(when holding the trigger) and less on single shot/small calibre weapons(or when single tapping).

    Large cals are prolly snipers and the guns they use on buggies/apcs etc, and the upgraded pistol

    medium cals prolly around the infantry assault

    small cals are pistols, smg upgrade thing, shotgun pellets etc

  5. Current bugs I'm having are

    - Bots will randomly drive in circles for several minutes

    - The game will randomly exit to the main menu, even while in a skirmish

    - MP games no longer show up on the in game browser list

    - It sometimes takes several minutes to enter some MP servers with no feedback.

    - The game randomly pauses while playing, maybe reading data or something else I'm not sure.

  6. buy havoc, suicide, buy havoc, suicide, buy....maybe i'm a pessimist but i already see guys doing that ;)

    besides griefers, i actually think it is an interesting basis for a new gamemode indeed, if such will be implemented.

    Yeah I guess there would be some that would abuse it if they had access to the money directly. Maybe a class/vehicle cap so you could only build so many per game OR perhaps a long-ish countdown timer so you had to wait or go for something else. Maybe 100 creds = 30 secs. So Havoc would take 5mins to respawn.

  7. Well I think anyway, that Engineers (and maybe the special types) need a ammo pool to use up. Or maybe a power meter instead of ammo. It should be 400 or 500 or something quite high, but still force engineers to refill like other infantry classes.

    If using the ammo the effectiveness of the repair tool stays constant but they run out of use. If using a battery for example, the repair rate could drop down to 0 and require recharging, in the field very slowly or again refilled at a base.

    Right now most vehicles have infinite ammo and they can stay out in the field indefinitely. Either give all infantry infinite ammo or reduce the engy+tank dependency by giving engineers some kind of ammo/battery.


  8. ah right valor, thanks. I asked because it would probably stop the 'driving backwards' thing.. is it an exploit? Not sure entirely since driving backwards never occurred to me and I'm sure many others. It means people with this knowledge would be gaining an advantage?

    No, its not an exploit, thats just how command and conquer has always handled damage in all of its titles, there has never been any difference in hitting a unit from the back compared to the front.

    Actually c&c 3 and 4 have it, I think RA3 too. That is why you have a drive backwards command ("D" I think) although that is later in the series. not saying it doesn't completely exist in the whole series is wrong :)

    Here is a post explaining http://www.gamereplays.org/commandandco ... me=totw_14

  9. ah right valor, thanks. I asked because it would probably stop the 'driving backwards' thing.. is it an exploit? Not sure entirely since driving backwards never occurred to me and I'm sure many others. It means people with this knowledge would be gaining an advantage?

  10. Zake. I think you missed the bit where I said base repairs cost money.. meaning that if you are turtling on one team, the other team is most likely assaulting your base and destroying your buildings. You will eventually lose all the money and the game. Turtling would be pointless.

    Finally it is likely that the timelimit will still be in place, so the higher scoring team wins as usual.

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