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Posts posted by Antisymmetric

  1. is there a way to summon those crate vehicles in singleplayer? (command console)

    summon RenX_Game.Ts_Vehicle_Buggy

    summon RenX_Game.Ts_Vehicle_HoverMRLS

    summon RenX_Game.Ts_Vehicle_ReconBike

    summon RenX_Game.Ts_Vehicle_TickTank

    summon RenX_Game.Ts_Vehicle_Titan

    summon RenX_Game.Ts_Vehicle_Wolverine


  2. Endgame crash, never crashed once for me in Beta 1.

    The exe's there btw. :P

    Fatal error!

    Address = 0x2091a7b (filename not found) [in G:\Programs\Games\Renegade X\Binaries\Win32\UDK.exe]

    Address = 0x87cf14 (filename not found)

    Address = 0x1579be5 (filename not found) [in G:\Programs\Games\Renegade X\Binaries\Win32\UDK.exe]

    Address = 0x294de05 (filename not found) [in G:\Programs\Games\Renegade X\Binaries\Win32\UDK.exe]

    Address = 0x157af4c (filename not found) [in G:\Programs\Games\Renegade X\Binaries\Win32\UDK.exe]

  3. Haven't read what's going on too lazy. ;) Sorry if I'm cutting in.

    I was initially hesitant to respond to this but it's become a much larger discussion than I thought it would be so what the heck. For starters I love the idea of Recon Bikes, and SSM launchers. They make me feel all warm and giddy inside like the first time you played Renegade online and discovered you could fly the helicopters/orca. However, I don’t think they would ever actually “work” in CnC mode. Here’s why: Recon Bikes could be made to “fit” easily enough, balancing them with week armor, a large turning radius, low to mid-range price and decent missiles/ speed. But, they would just fit; it wouldn’t feel “natural”. This is because of the difference in scaling between TD and Renegade, basically an RTS map is much larger compared to a Tactical shooter map. I’m sure most of us have played maps in Renegade which we felt didn’t play well due to this reason. I can recall playing custom maps that felt way too large, and maps that felt way too small, ie. Canyon. Renegade maps, and Renegade-X maps both due to the mechanics of the game play have a map size range which they are bound to. Going outside of this range will ruin the mechanics functionality and balancing. This essentially makes recon bikes feel awkward or unnatural, sure they would be balanced, but they wouldn’t really have a place in any stage of the game mode, CnC. SSM’s have essentially the same fatal flaw but instead of map size, to units function, it’s a situation of game stages in CnC mode to destructive power. I’d explain myself better but I have to run to school soon have a massive aero design project due tomorrow and haven’t started. :P Also, Tactical missile launchers never seemed to fit the nod combat doctrine to me, neither did the M110 for that matter, the G6 just make more overall sense.

    I would still love to see them make an appearance though, just not in CnC mode. I mean maybe SCUD’s could be used for an escort scenario, or be used as an endgame tech structure, actually no just maybe a map asset. :P Recon Bikes could be used for racing, I’m sure I’ve played that on custom severs before. Probably won’t happen though, let’s face it that’s a ton of work.

  4. I doubt it'll happen for a long time.. valve are extremely picky about what goes on there store.. especially for a free title, they get no profit for you downloading it from their system. Then you've got the problem of it being an EA IP, so they could prevent it from going on steam in favour of origin.

    But who knows.

    Ohh man I can't believe I didn't think of that, your probably right EA would want it on origin to promote there system. That sucks I would never use origin, hopefully the devs can eventually get it on steam!

  5. And maybe attack bikes?

    I don't think avatar's are a good idea admittedly because I don't like the way they took Nod in C&C3/4, and balancing would be difficult. But I love the idea of recon bikes, they're from first tiberium war so they fit the lore, and there super sexy. I think I remember playing on servers where you could use recon bikes back in the day, I definitely remember they made an appearance in the single player, they shot a helicopter down or something.

  6. I just want to point out how insanely cool getting sniped by the obelisk looks in those pictures. Standing by its self in a clearing from far away, then boom I noticed you sneaking there. For this reason, I think you shouldn't be able to jump in the water, and just mining the bridge should be fine.

  7. A final option could be for the harvester to be AI controlled until a player entered the vehicle. If the player jumped out, it would become AI controlled again and return to the closest point on it's track.

    That could actually not just be for fun but very beneficial, the harvester gets stuck, and bumped around all the time from what Ive seen. I feel like this would solve that problem, just jump in correct the harvesters course then off to whatever you were doing.

  8. I actually like that TB exists because he does do a good job stirring the pot, but if you want someone to tell you whether a game actually is or isn't worth getting, multiple better options come to mind.

    Agree entirely, he himself has stated he does not review games but just gives first impressions, no one should use his work as a review. As par your other points he does come off as completely hipster sometimes; that being said It makes sense to me to judge actually free games, indie games, and large budget titles differently. Don't you expect a lot more innovation and polish on a game you paid $60 for or some ungodly amount? He basically creates publicity for a game weather it be bad or good. In our case that publicity is good! :)

  9. I think purchasable repair guns are simply a no go, there's just no way you could balance it. That being said in the future new tech buildings are supposed to provide your team with purchasable mechanic and health kits; which to my understanding act as dropable health packs for vehicles and infantry respectively. This isn't your repair gun but would function like what your going for I think.

  10. The nod announcer voice is intentionally different. Evo works for GDI so it didnt make sense for hear to be broadcasting to NOD. Also the different announcer voices allows you to tell which team laid a beacon or airstrike.

    So EVA is GDI and CABAL (I guess its this they use, didn't really pay much attention to the voice just the info) is the Brotherhoods equal, however CABAL was first made towards the end of the First Tiberium War in the form of a Prototype, which one would guess would not be used in a Nod base until it was finished.

    Well CABAL needed to be given a voice pattern from someone right, guess they used there pa system guy as the basis. The voice does suit nod much better though even if it does need some polishing.

  11. I hope they add it to steam it would just be really convenient; it's already interfaced with steam though. There are eight steam achievements for this game, the game uses your steam name, and tracks your stats through steam if I'm correct.

  12. Noticed them in this vid @ 16:43:

    Anyone know why they're not in this build?

    I'm guessing incomplete or overpowered.

    I think deployable turrets could be a nice addition provided they would be used for fire support and have depletable ammunition. I think turrets would be really useful for tunnel defense and harassment; if they were too weak to defend an area by itself for balancing.

    Engineers/Hotwire healing infantry seems rather ineffective to me at the moment, much more viable in vanilla Renegade. I'm sure this will be addressed in future builds of the game but droppable health packs could be a alternative to this mechanic.

  13. Wouldn't it be fun to have a crate or something that turned you into a unstable glob of flesh?

    Whimsically sliding about spitting Tiberium gas at anyone you can get close to.

    I think I remember seeing a post discussing a zombie horde mode, can anyone confirm or deny it's existence?

  14. TotalBiscuit take a look at Renegade-X

    Didn't that idiot think the new Thief was good?

    I got the impression he just really wanted to like it because we haven't had a Thief game in awhile; he did note that there are obvious short comings in the game and some people would be disappointed with it.

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