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Ranger Albatross

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Posts posted by Ranger Albatross

  1. The use of the term "just" doesn't minimize the hard work. Based on the previews you've released, you guys have made a lot of progress. Don't let that go to waste. All the classic maps that you've made that have yet to be released look amazing! I just want to be able to appreciate your content.

  2. Guys, don't let the project die. I understand that there are a lot of completed maps (C&C volcano, complex) to be released. Focus on getting all the old maps remade and in the game first, if you could please! I've been waiting for some more classic maps to play on with the beautiful new engine. You have a great core game here, just fix the bugs and tweaks and just get those maps in.

  3. Is it going to be another 4-5 months to see the new maps? I know volcano is done (per the videos) and under was 50% done as of a couple of months ago. The game just needs a couple of classics (complex, volcano, and under) to get some new life.

    I hope city_flying is in the works... but I don't want to get my hopes too high...

  4. Are there going to be any patches in between the release of the new maps this summer? Would love to have more glitch fixes and more polish. Some people find the crashing very deterring.

  5. nukes need to cost more

    make em 2500 credits

    also add a proximity beacon to the engineer/hot-wire to allow detecting of stealth'd objects with in a certain radius the diaspora should be no larger then a MLS but you can carry up to 3

    people really need to start thinking outside the box here they want it to be a clone of renegade and that game sucked there is huge potential in this project but people need to start thinking outside the box when it comes to gameplay

    There are quite a few things coming down the road that are too soon to talk about. This is just the first release.

    What do you mean? Are the devs planning to change core renegade gameplay completely? If they change it too much, I feel like my interest in it will dwindle.

  6. SBH nukes can effectively be controlled with one or two dedicated defenders on pubs. Just bring back the planting sound.

    I really hope the developers don't listen to people wanting to change the core gameplay. It's fine the way it is!

    And if 7 people SBH nuke, kudos to them for organizing it. In a smaller game, they've severely compromised their base defense, but if they can pull it off, they deserve to be rewarded for it.

  7. There has to be an aimbot out there. I saw someone go 59-3 (username GREENPEACE) and he was using a sakura and connecting on every single shot.

    Either that or he could be one the greatest snipers ever to grace this earth.

  8. This is on the to-do list.

    Hopefully it's on the "sooner" to-do list because it's really starting to affect gameplay, as with most UI stuff. I just need clear indicators of what's going on.

    Otherwise, the gameplay is really solid. Good job with refining the gunplay, the weapons feel nice, especially with ADS. Just get the UI and network features up to standard and you've got traditional Renegade gameplay mixed with modern accesssibilty/UI elements.

  9. I'm more inclined to 8v8 max, but I can deal with 12 v 12. Anything past 32 is just crazy. It becomes Battlefield in the middle, and team deathmatch in the hallways.

    Someone needs to contact the admins of the US servers (as that's where I'm playing from) and tell them to convert one or two of their servers.

  10. Yeah, there seriously needs to be less 64 player servers and more 16-24 player servers. To me, renegade is even enjoyable in 4v4 or 8v8 rather than 32 vs 32. There's just too much going on for me to even coordinate anything.

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