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H.D. Lovecraft

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Posts posted by H.D. Lovecraft

  1. EMP stands for Electro Magnetic Pulse. It's effect is disabling electronic devices by shortcircuitting them. Since the HUD could be seen as an electronic assistance, I think it should be affected. It will make it more usefull against infantry in general rather than a single SBH. Besides, it is supposed to be fun or making it easier for the user's team, not the affected. A disabled HUD might remove your HP/armor indicators and minimap, but also the targetting reticle. The only way to accurately fire is by scoping or using ironsights.

    I agree though, buildings can be "protected" by their thick layer of concrete and lead alloys to protect against the EMP's radiation.

    That doesn't sound fun at all though. I think gameplay outweighs realism on this one. Disabling vehicles and stealth adds an interesting gameplay option, whereas losing the HUD would just annoy people more than anything.

  2. Something I've noticed in beta 3 for the few hours I played last night is that whenever I would buy a new character after being a hotwire/tech, the new character wouldn't have timed c4 automatically. I would have to manually go in and switch to timed. It would show proximity in it's place in the PT but nothing would show up in inventory. This is probably from the hotwire/tech's c4 slot choice carrying over for some reason I would guess.

  3. Besides the common scoreboard and map-change crashing, which for me did not improve at all from beta 1, I also get crashing when attempting to join a server for the first time after booting the game. It only crashes on highly populated servers, and only the first join. What I figured out to do to avoid it was to load an empty server first, exit it, then join the more populated one. Perhaps this is something to do with too many things to load at once and joining an empty server lessens some of the load, not sure just taking a guess at it.

  4. I think the whole point of stealing vehicles is for the surprise advantage it gives. Oh, that's our APC, no worries. Suddenly it runs you over and a bunch of engies take out your ref. That's one of those moments that makes this game awesome I think. Especially when you're the guy driving the stolen vehicle.

  5. Perhaps on Marathon servers the map change and restart should be disabled? I mean, changing the map kind of defeats the point of Marathon. If you don't want the tedium, you should just go play AOW. This could perhaps just be some sort of server-side decision probably.

  6. I really liked the accidental role of purchasable weapons as "permanent upgrades", and the synergy they had with "one life weapons" that is basically what characters are (plus more health), but I agree that keeping them the next round was far too lame.

    They allowed teams that were stuck with free classes, either for losing the ref (in a map with no silo) or losing both production buildings, to fight back, or at least make things more challenging for the winning side, something that I found extremely fun compared to the original Renegade. They also added versatility to free classes, as they had access to a secondary weapon that could do jobs that their primary weapon wasn't able to do, making them funnier, without contradicting the role of free classes as completely FREE fodder until you have enough money to buy what you want.

    With the new update, not only purchasable weapons receive an overlapping role with characters as "one life weapons", but as their price is the same no matter if you buy them with a 250HP character or a 100HP free one, you will only see them in high-tier characters, and maybe adv. engineers (tiberium rifle is +50% basic sniper price, but only +25% advanced sniper price).

    To sum up, I would prefer to make the secondary weapons more expensive so they could stay as "upgrades" that last until the round is over, and explore that "upgrade" role with other future items or kits, than to make them like "character expansions" that the cheaper your character is the more a waste of money they are.

    I do like the idea of a per-round upgrade system. There could be some cool ideas that come out of something like that. Perhaps adding to the depth of the game but also keeping it intuitive.

  7. I've noticed this a bit as well. I mean, if they want to waste their time farming points there's not much we can do to stop them. I think the leaderboard is just more of a fun little sideshow than a serious affair.

  8. Server owners can already view player joins including IP's and steam IDs through RCON. They can also execute commands like kick.

    It is fairly straight forward to write a simple bot to store banned IPs and IDs...

    There is a problem with banning certain names. Right now anyone can join with any name? What's stopping a hacker from joining with a legitimate player's name in an attempt to get them banned? I've seen this happen on three occasions already, and if bans were enforced by name, this would give hackers even more reason to muck around.

  9. Exiting from vehicles has been done wrong IMO

    It would make more sense to exit the vehicle opposite to the direction you're aiming, It allows you to take cover to repair and/or shoot, it will also allow for quicker vehicle entry. Please change the way you exit vehicles.

    I think this is a pretty slick idea. I hate getting out for a quick repair only to realize that I was dumped on the side with tanks shooting at me.

  10. I think this is a great idea actually, and probably not too difficult to implement. Could definitely be elaborated on and worked out more but I think it could be a lot of fun just to see these, they don't even have to be persistent. Just a scoreboard modification that would add to the depth.

  11. There is something about this topic that makes me cringe. Techs are not OP, they get wiped by most other classes. The sidearm thing is irrelevant. Other classes can have sidearms, and don't forget the fact that they persist is a bug. Not every engie is going to have tib auto rifle. Once it's back to pistols will see who the real men are. Honestly it just sounds like much ado about nothing.

  12. I feel like this discussion is missing the point of classes. You're arguing that engie/tech are the best classes based on their ability to do many things. Indeed, they have many capabilities, they are a jack-of-all trades. You are definitely making them better than they are though.

    If I'm going to take down a bunch of vehicles, I'm not going to pick a tech.

    If I'm going to (seriously) try to kill a lot of enemies, I'm not going to pick a tech.

    Taking away the ability for a tech to be able to do so many different things would be a blatant oversight.

    Most classes have their purpose. Good luck killing an Orca with your tech.

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