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Everything posted by schrodinger

  1. I have crash sometimes if something on screen expode. Minimal settings dont help
  2. Same problem cuicide or team change doesnt help
  3. TYVM this is help me and ty for great game
  4. i cant open settings in menu it crash too fast. Can u tell me what i need change in config file, and what config file i must edit?
  5. Hi, after few seconds when main menu shows game crashs with message: "Ran out of video memory exiting" i have last update of drivers, also phisix use my videocard as main in nvidia settings. Im search this problem in google and find it in games like outlast and borderlands 2, but this games works nice on my pc. my Pc: intel core 2duo 3 gb ram gtx 560 video windows 7 x32 How i can fix this problem? sorry for bad english
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