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Posts posted by Evono

  1. I allways had Way too low fps for my rig ( r9 390 and i5 4670 16gb ram and stuff ) (26-60fps) i put my Renegade X now on my SSD and guess what ? Fps stays now between 55- 60 fps ( vsync ) at all times. No stutter anymore 

    ( the HDD before was defragged and stuff )


    i dont know if Renegade X uses Texture streaming that much . but really i could even make 2 videos of it on my HDD and on my ssd world difference.

  2. iTweek":ddg2arpk]uplaod.PNG

    Uploaded: 250gb

    my max upload speed is 1,000MB/s, but my utorrent is only uploading on average 20Kb/s.

    any way to boost this or do torrents just have a mind of their own?

    same problem... 10mbit upload and only is using on the avg 120-200 kb the last days only 20-70....

  3. Why dont we include just a timer ?

    You buy a nuke / ion and cant buy another for atleast 2 minutes.

    Would fix all the spam.....


    if you buy 3 nukes in very short time ( under 15 seconds ) all your credits will be team donated and the nukes will be disarmed

  4. Shut off the tracker then you see that dht and the stuff isnt that good... + dht cant Optimize the bandwith = the people that leech get more or less downloading and seeding people = the speed will not increase it will actually decrease on a torrent....

    Try tribler if enough people would use Tribler Trackers could go because tribler is Entirely build to survive without any websites or tracker

  5. Just wondering, but is this a problem? When I downloaded it I had the full download speed @ 5.7 MB/s

    Yes if the Tracker ( 1 thats used ) gets down or got Connection Problems the torrent is nearly entirely dead.

    + a Tracker regulates who gets how much bandwith aka If you upload nearly nothing you will get less if the swarm isnt healthy

    If all people would use Tribler ( Torrent client ) we wouldnt need any torrent sites / tracker anymore

    Jesus, got enough trackers, there?

    Actually the devs had WAY more in. actually some that are not Public and can not be used.

  6. Just Copy the following in to the Tracker list of the Beta 3 Torrent

    The tracker need to have 1 free space between else only the first one will be used....^^

    + i did delete all the Offline and Not registered torrent trackers.... they are just a waste of recources ( they get contacted every 50 sec from Utorrent .... )






























  7. I hate this ... it started in Team fortress 2 i think to fake player numbers and then infected other games with this Pest.... Valve even added a Blacklist feature just because of this.... ( To Team fortress 2 )

  8. AdminLogin PW

    AdminForceTextMute ID

    adminkickban playerid


    adminban playerid

    thats all i know ( atm i bet i know more ) we use Mostly our own IRC bot commands and stuff on thematrixren

  9. You just dissuaded me from coming to your server with that terrible grammar.

    At least work on basic English grammar so you show you actually care about your server...

    try to speak well in a second Language while you Multi task for 2 new flats ( need to move tomorrow )

    Did write at the posting time like 3 different contracts did speak to my gf ( Oh gawd she never stops anymore since we wanted to move to the new flat.... )

    I need to write a shitload of other stuff

    Moderate the server

    need to move 2 House holds


    School and a shitton more + our house ( were iam atm ) got sold out ( it wasnt ours we did rent the flats ) and the new buyer wants us Out.

    Sorry for my fucked up grammar My life is atm VERY hard.

    Check my spelling again if iam not in a hell of stress

    To RypeL

    Yes we run a Mutator the Anti orca Mutator ( for non flying maps ) we gonna test this now and will send you Weird demos ;-)

    I give this to my Entire mod / admin team out

  10. Iam one of the Mods of Thematrixren the Problem Truxa is

    that atleast 98% of demorecords are broken we dont know why yet.

    we tried many times i was even spamming3 days demorecords all of them were broken ( if we want to watch them it loads the map then it stops / lags in loadscreen and throws you back to main menu )

    So nothing we can do with demos

    RypeL i guess thats why you guys dont recieve any.

    Still our server Intern banlist atm includes alot of banns of proven cheater / glitcher on ip / nicks / host / steam banns

    we BANN any cheater. if you see one best is to use !modrequest reason ( aKA !modrequest cheater or !modrequest spammer ) command or record a video via Nvidia shadowplay / fraps and send it to us

    and Our server logs alot.

    + were very Proud that we nearly have 24/7 mods on our Server and or IRC reachable + we take real fast care of glitcher / cheater or very anoying people ( on many different ways )

    So dont worry ! if something is wrong just PM me here or join our forum and PM anyone of the mod group or Directly our admin "Skeeze" or join our IRC


    or sniper.bot.nu ( its the same )

    if you dont want to install a IRC client look for "Mibbit" its a online full IRC client in your browser !

    Atm. We can say Demos are Broke we dont know why. Many people tried to use them now... ( Me , skeeze and multiple more ) they seem to be broke.

    TL;DR we care about our Playerbase and we have nearly 24/7 mods online + Demos seem to be Broke

  11. Original Hourglass was so awful that we changed it, it's essentially Horologe + from UT3

    Actually i Liked hourglass

    and alot on thematrixren Server too ( as i heard there alot )

    I would like to see to a Remake of Original Hourglass

    Whiteout is great as its own map...

    are it cant replace Hourglass its like Under and field 2 maps that are the same in many aspects still they are 2 unique maps

  12. GDI has too much advantage on this map:

    1, They can B2B right off the Hill from the refinery and hit nod ref

    2, They can glitch all the way to the back of the NOD power and place beacons

    3, Ofcourse they can also buy orcas!

    4, Unlike NOD they don't have tunnels in there base where they can tunnel nuke/ion.

    Overall GDI is too strong on this map already and the bugs make it even worse.

    This is fixable by good Moderating like on thematrixren server

    1 Isnt allowed on our server

    2 the same

    3Anti orca Mutator is out that destroys instantly Orcas on non flying maps ( enabled on the matrixren)

    4 ye bit bad.

  13. What exactly do you mean by "glitched pathways"?

    I'm not asking to explain what they are.. I just don't what you mean when you say "glitched." Do you mean like places you shouldn't be able to get to or places you get stuck?

    Being able to nuke the Bar from the bridge is not fine.

    Agreed... but that's not a problem with the map. It's a problem with the destruction radius of the beacon.

    Glitched pathways = Ways outside of the "normal" map range so you can go anywhere.... ( I could destroy already both bases easily without even being shot 1 time....)

    this map vs the other ones is just one big amount of glitches....

  14. I mean there are so many Glitched pathways...

    i know a shitload of them and its actually bad that you need to observe them all as mod of a server...

    i mean this one map got more bugs and glitches as the entire game......

    if someone want proof ( and i mean only the devs i dont want to spread them more ) i can make a vid with all of them

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