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Everything posted by pxes

  1. Is anyone interested in grouping up? Trade around emails or teamspeak/skype stuff to make a good team with good communication. This game has a lot of potential for exciting team based gameplay, it's just as the OP described, there are are little to no players hooking up. Reply to the post if you're in, for safety reasons I'm not yet going to post my email.
  2. You guys are awesome for your reactions. I forgot all that information because it is so far in the past. I really hope to play again with all those old players! I'll download IRC again when Renegade X is released and hope to find out what Kamuix is doing with renegade nowadays! I'll definately join thepeopleclan server when I can finally download Renegade X!
  3. Thanks ehh, I did try to find his name on renegadeforums just now, but I haven't been able to locate a account ot get a hold of him. I hope he sees this post and replies. He did a amazing job on his server. Such a good job that people started copying his work. He probably knows about the release of Renegade X but it would be a shame if he didn't. He handled the bullshit that comes with owning a server really well and despite the complaints he often received, he made a server many people had fun of for many years.
  4. Hi everyone, old and new! I am so excited to read two weeks ago Renegade X is going to be released the 26th!! It was my alltime favorite years ago, as it was for you. Back then, I would play a lot on Kamuix' server, and later Wittebolx made a server similar to Kamuix. Kamuix introduced a whole new dimension in playing back then, in the end we were also able to make up our own characters and specifications/weapons/abilities. This guy was amazing. Now my question is(it's a bit soon I haven't played yet, since it's not the 26th yet), Is anyone affiliated with these guys and know what they are up to nowadays? For one I would love them to know about the new release and thank them for all the time they put in their servers on C&C Renegade. It's incredible to me that there has been put so many work and time in this project. Thank you developers, I can't wait to play it again!! I hope to go to battle with you all in the near future!
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