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  1. Yup same problem here. Edit: the same moment i posted this it started working again for me and another guy form IRC
  2. wow no love for our server 3 hahaha
  3. Oh i really like this idea. Our website(prefer to use our steamgroup instead of official website since it contains more quik usefull info) http://steamcommunity.com/groups/thefurrypound IP once the RenX server is up:
  4. Thanks. That is what i wanted to know! Would anyone know if you can use external programs such as HLSW to monitor/administrate the server (link http://www.hlsw.org/ ) It supports UT3 aswell. so i'm taking a wild guess that it will work for Renegade X aswell ?
  5. Do you mean ingame chat with irc?. because if so i understand you on that part. I was just mainly wondering if there's anything where you can put in a list of your administrators and admins so when they connect to the server they automaticly have admin rights and such. Or do you mean clients like HLSW to externally moderate the server?
  6. Hey thanks for those! Is there also a way to put in a userlist with admins and moderators? or how is this done in RenX
  7. Sorry if i wasn't clear but I ment policing the server yeah. I've played a ridiculous amount of renegade back then but i've never really used any console commands or administrated a renegade server (barely knew english back then) If it's done the same way as in renegade, any good source for all the admin commands and such ? Thanks!
  8. Like the title says, I was wondering if there are any administration tools for the servers or in what way administration is done. Sorry if it has been asked before but I've been browsing around for a little bit and couldn't find much about it. So if anyone could tell me if there are any admintools for server owners OR how admins and mods lists along with kicks and bans are done that would be much appreciated! Since if our community is going to host servers I would like to make a little tutorial for our other admins with how everything works. Thanks everyone!
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