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Posts posted by EMU

  1. They should absolutely be more visible, that's the problem right now. I'm a Renegade vet and I find myself completely blind-sided by these airstrikes. No warning at all, just dead. Walk out of a building and die.. get a notice that it was via air strike but I never saw it. They're a fine addition but adjust them. They're frustrating at the moment.

    I totally agree, I wouldn't mind them if they were easier to avoid, But I have never seen them coming ever. You're just dead in your base or taking a ton of random splash damage. Really frustrating.

  2. I played the original C&C Renegade and I have a few concerns.

    First: Runspeed is way too fast, as far as I remember the original Renegade was slower, I played over 20 rounds today and everything I see is bunny hopping when fighting somebody.

    I played Unreal / Unreal Tournament Series / Quake Series online and Battlefield and Titanfall but I've never been more unable to kill somebody then here .......

    It's kinda ridicioulus and annoying, old renegade had good fights but I'm disappointed.

    Second: Weapon damage.

    It seems that even if I hit the enemy doesnt loss health. 2 clips into an enemy and still standing, he shots me 3 times and I'm dead. Maybe lag, maybe netcode, maybe a bug

    Weapon balance seems very odd too.

    Third: Weapon damage

    In the original Renegade you didn't die from 1 or 2 shots, not even from 3 or 4, you had to hit multiple times (if not sniper)). Here I'm dead when I turn my head around a corner.

    But hey, it's still beta :D.

    In Renegade, always aim for the head. Always use third person and shoot from the hip. The pistol is a very strong weapon and most of the time i'll use it instead of reloading my primary.

  3. If you pay attention to your surroundings, you can see a laser pointer where an airstrike is being targeted. If you miss it, just find cover and hope it's not about to hit you.

    Otherwise, you just gotta realize the current matches are jammed full of players. So airstrikes every few seconds is just a given. If you play on a server with less players, they will be less frequent. They do cost 700 credits each.

    700 Credits doesn't mean anything on Islands.mix when the harvy comes by every 30 seconds. We were GDI side getting our bar seiged and literally had ac-130s hitting outside the bar towards the tunnels constantly. It was about a 50/50 if you'd make it to the tunnels alive. really frustrating. Does it announce every time an airstrike comes in? I know i've heard EVA talk about friendly airstrikes. I haven't even bothered to look up, I've seen warthogs, but is there a c-130 that'll fly in so I know they're coming?

    Another map where the airstrikes were just to much was defending as NOD on field. GDI is strong enough on that map. With the raised barrier by the HON so you can't shoot over it, it's really hard to stack a couple arties there to push back the camp. If you go to the far side of the strip you can arc some over but you can't see what you're shooting. Every time I played field today it was just a huge GDI camp .

  4. Ramjet doesn't need a nerf. They wouldn't have tried to nerf with the reticle anyways. It's honestly a benefit so you don't cover up far away targets with the dot. Just put the guy in the center. I didn't notice maps too dark. Maybe it's just my monitor.

    I did experience random crashing after and while joining games though. Very frequently. Also, I kept trying to join the same server with my friend, and it was putting us in different servers every single time. Is there a way to tell what server you're in after you're ingame?

  5. I just picked the game up today, I'm in the same boat as you. I turned my settings as low as they go and I'm still experiencing FPS drops when in a firefight or when too much is happening. I'm using a Nvidia GEForce 765M. That was my biggest annoyance but I'm sure i'll be able to sort that out.

    As for the gameplay. It was nice to finally jump back into renegade again and have it be so spot on to the way it used to be. I loved the new marksman class as well as the vehicles (mammoth and arty in particular). I did notice that the APC does literally no damage anymore to infantry. I held the thing on somebody standing still for 3 solid seconds before it kills them. In Renegade it used to just chop you down. The weapon ranges feel a lot shorter, especially with the volt auto rifle.

    Is there a way to lock your vehicle yet? Because every time I step out to repair, it is stolen and kamakazied.

    I'm pretty frustrated with the new Air strikes. They are literally constantly raining down. Is there a way to tell where they are called in advance like the ion cannon or nuke? Every minute these airstrikes wipe out all the engineers pushing or defending the tanks. I feel like this mechanic was implemented to break up those 20 minute long structure bashes, but I wish they were a little easier to avoid.

    I love all the new characters and weapons. Great job so far, once I find a solution for my low FPS i'll be happy.

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