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    United Arab Emirates
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  1. So it will never be fixed?
  2. But there is no delay when going forward and backwards in a vehicle, that only happens when I turn left or right, so why is turning left or right is the only movement that has a delay. That doesn't happen in any other game, why is this game has this weird logic of making turning an annoying thing for me or anyone else who has the same problem. Honestly if this game wants to go for larger audience, the developers should fix these issues that are encountered by those who live in a country far from the server (US server for example). I'm choosing this server because EU servers are empty, which are the closest servers to the country I live in. I'm in Dubai, United Arab Emiartes by the way and played the original Renegade, which is why I would love to play this version.
  3. What could be the reason for developing it in that way?? What does turning a vehicle have to do with the server? and why is it not the same thing with the characters? Is this issue not going to be fixed in the future patches?
  4. Hi everyone, I'm having this annoying issue when I'm driving a vehicle. There is a delay between the moment I press a direction to turn the vehicle to, and the time it actually turns to that direction. Could someone please give me a solution for fixing this issue?
  5. Because I'm thinking of formatting my laptop before trying it.
  6. What's the minimum and maximum system requirements for Renegade X? Also would the following system information be enough to run Renegade X smoothly? Operating System: Windows 7 Home Premium 64-bit (6.1, Build 7601) Service Pack 1 Processor: Intel® Core i5 CPU M 480 @ 2.67GHz (4 CPUs), ~2.7GHz Card name: ATI Mobility Radeon HD 5650 Display Memory: 2737 MB Memory: 4096MB RAM DirectX Version: DirectX 11 Edit: I would appreciate it if you give me your suggestions or advices.
  7. I see, thanks guys
  8. So which one is for changing how the characters look? because I tried to change the Detail level but nothing changed.
  9. What do you mean by Details Level? Details of what exactly? Which option makes the infantry look normal instead of weird having faces when I put the Settings on very low?
  10. Totem Arts can develop the game as long as they don't make any money in anyway out of it, including donations. I think Totem Arts are planning to release Renegade X on Steam when the game is complete as it is still in open beta now.
  11. Is it possible to be fixed? because I don't have a problem with the infantries, only the tanks have these delays.
  12. Yea I don't mind that, thanks
  13. That would be nice, but if you can make the explanation kind of detailed so we can understand what the setting is for. Also a default button would be great, now I don't remember what were the default settings
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