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Posts posted by fps

  1. What I get a little concerned about is this project moving towards micro-transactions. The concept is great and all, but I look at similar games, such as Planetside or Tribes, and you inevitably come across those big spenders who buy their way to the top. But it's a catch-22 because the team here needs to have funding to keep this project alive and even though I hope that were possible, it just rarely works. Perhaps perks to change appearance or something similar could be bought. Once you start enhancing weapons and armor via transactions, things start to get boring.

    Actually, this literally cannot happen.

    Totem Arts has made an agreement with EA: as long as Totem Arts does not accept ANY money (charges, donations, et cetera), then EA will allow the project to continue. If you ask any of the developers how to donate money, they will say "nope".

    This is refreshing yet disappointing at the same time. Nice to see there won't be any "Freemeium" players out there but sad I cannot support the devs financially. Hopefully they will legally find a loophole around that cuz I'd gladly help em out.

  2. What I get a little concerned about is this project moving towards micro-transactions. The concept is great and all, but I look at similar games, such as Planetside or Tribes, and you inevitably come across those big spenders who buy their way to the top. But it's a catch-22 because the team here needs to have funding to keep this project alive and even though I hope that were possible, it just rarely works. Perhaps perks to change appearance or something similar could be bought. Once you start enhancing weapons and armor via transactions, things start to get boring.

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