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Posts posted by lone0001

  1. I noticed from your screenshots "Static Decals" was checked, is there still an clearly apparent loss of performance when that setting is enabled or was that fixed already?

    I also kind of feel like this game just isn't well optimized, I have an i5-3570k and amd 7870 (not a great gpu but plenty for this game still imo) and while I do see fps around 70+ (on high settings) I also see dips below 40 or so quite a bit.

  2. MESA: the cave was originally for vehicles and the ref side path was infantry only. And the silo looks crappy near tower. And barracks moved to pp location and pp to bar location

    Speaking of Mesa: the mini-map still hasn't been updated and shows the power plants and barr in their old locations/position. Nevermind that though, I wouldn't be against the idea of reverting to the previous version of Mesa.

    I would be against having a delay applied to remote c4 though; they make the eng & tech/hottie fun to play. :)

    Why not give Havoc/Sak the tactical rifle and maybe even an additional weapon along with the remotes they have now. I've always found the tactical rifle way too OP of a weapon for the Patch to have but with the Flechette gun being a purchasable weapon I'm not sure what you could give Patch instead.

    Oh and can airdrops just be removed already please? It really doesn't help and just draws games out longer than they need to be.

    Tier 1 inf as it is after barr/hon destruction is fine.

  3. I clearly don't see this working but I really want it to to be honest, Hand of Don just sounds so great. :)

    Obelisk = Obby

    Raveshaw = Madshaw or Glowshaw?

    Black Hand Sniper = Rave Hand Sniper (he dresses like he's going to a rave, a sniper is supposed to blend in not stick out like a sore thumb)

    Technician = Tech

    Stealth Black Hand = Invisible Black Hand (many people don't under the concept of "Stealth" anyways)

    Stealth Tank = Invisible Tank (see above)

    Flame Tank = Pyro Tank

    That's all I have for now.

  4. I put together a video with various clips from Beta 4 testing sessions for fun and thought I'd release that video.

    I suggest watching the video in 1440p even if you don't have a 1440p monitor, it just looks better than 1080p.

    Watch it using the embed below or

    , enjoy!


  5. Out of all the ideas in this thread I like the one about EMPs disabling the Radar portion of the HUD for a short time and perhaps disabling small base defenses like guard towers, turrets, or sam sites (but NOT AGT or Obby) for a short time as well.

    Another idea that I haven't seen mentioned yet would be to delay an Ion/Nuke beacon, throw it at a beacon and have it delay the timer for about 7 seconds (give or take but less than 10) perhaps? This could be a thing as people already complain a bit that there is "not enough time" to disarm beacons. Having an extra 5 or so seconds to disarm before it gets to "initiated" could be interesting.

  6. Thought I'd just put my two cents in this as well for those with AMD gpus (like myself).

    I usually use Action but it has been crashing/freezing lately so I've been using OBS (Open Broadcaster Software) to record at the moment and I find it works pretty well.

    Action however is usually alright and supports recording with AMD VCE or Intel QuickSync (both help to decrease the overhead a fair bit).

    Another suggestion would be to try out MSI Afterburner which I believe also has support for QuickSync.

  7. This is basically the reason I rarely play Renegade X anymore and why I don't play C&C Renegade that much anymore as well. I just HATE marathon servers and there sadly those are the only kind of servers that have any sort of activity in them. A 40 minute game at most feel like the right amount of time to me, I don't have hours upon hours to simply play a single map.

    Perhaps we need to organize ourselves into a group to communicate better and all join a specific server with a time limit at a specific time, that is the only way I could see a time limited server being filled nicely. :(

    Otherwise there are just a bunch of servers with 1-6 players in them (or so).

  8. I posted long before the release that there needed to be a system to limit the servers shown on the list. It would have the community less scattered and offered more different types of server that would actually have players in it. I understand the reasons why this was not judged as possible though.

    Imagine at any time there would be three or four eu servers shown (marathon and aow, some small and some big), two us servers and one aussi server. Only if the servers of a continent have at least 10 players then another empty server for that continent would show up.

    That does seem like a good idea but I can't see that working. Server owners would complain about how their server isn't being shown (by default, as I imagine showing "all servers" again would/should be an option as well) would be one issue in my opinion, if the servers were mostly 1st party servers instead of 3rd party servers that could work.

    Another issue is that this would just encourage players to be joining the same servers they're joining now (look at the server browser over course of a few days and you'll see the same servers populated) which seems even more unfair to the servers that aren't getting any players.

  9. I don't think "matchmaking" as such is appropriate.

    Instead what games like these needs is a way to put the community together.

    For instance, some global chatting system. Thats always a good start to organize games with people that aren't playing.

    There already is such a thing, it's called IRC (irc.remegade-x.com #renegadex) and the RenX launcher even has an IRC client built-in. Oh and what's that button I see at the top of the page, "IRC"? I wonder what that does? It's not hard to get on to and is quite easy to use in my opinion.

    I wish people weren't only playing in marathon servers, I hate marathon servers and rarely see people playing in a server with a time limit of ~30-40mins (my preferred time limit). :(

    PS. Sorry if this post seems hostile, I'm just trying to make my point that there is such a system and nobody is using it.

  10. while the motherboard would support a quad core, to upgrade my cpu means i have to pay VERY close attension to the EXACT dimensions of the cooling system, and that i have to get a third party cooling system for the cpu. to be able to try and use the cooling system that would come with the cpu i would have to HEAVILY case mod the machine (remove and reposition the cd drive and hard drive slots to outside the case and likely cut a hole in the lid of the case aswell.

    thats why im planning on build a new pc soon.

    the current one is a DC7800 from HP with the specs i posted above... such puny 240W PSU :(

    and there is only one possible replacement for the psu on the entire internet (i spent 2 months looking) and even that isnt a garunteed fit. as the psu for the DC7800 was made only for the DC7800 (aka it is proprietary to the case, its the same with the cpu cooling system)

    TL:DR upgrading the current pc any further would be more of a headache than any sane person would go through.

    this is what my build will be:

    Case: roswill challenger u3

    CPU: intel core i7-4771

    Motherboard: ASRock B85 Pro4

    Ram: G.Skill Ripjaws 8gb ddr3 1333

    Video card: EVGA GeForce GTX 760 2GB

    Optical drive: going to reuse my cd/dvd writing drive

    Hard drive: re using my 2 TB drive

    CPU cooler: intel stock cooler (because i shoulnt even NEED to overclock the cpu)

    Power supply: thermaltake TR2 600W (or a better 600W PSU if i can find one)

    OS windows 7 64 bit OEM (cuz fuck win8)

    While you said you don't plan on overclocking, I would still go for a third party CPU cooler as the Stock Intel one is HORRIBLE at cooling.

    Something like the Cooler Master Hyper 212 EVO would be good, I own it and it brought idle temps down to mid 30s to 40C while the Intel Stock cooler idle temps were mid 60s to 70C (load temps with the EVO 212 rarely go over 65C). Look around at other third party coolers if you don't like the 212 EVO, I would highly recommend using a third party cooler over the Intel one.

    Just thought I'd throw my two cents about that in (couldn't resist).

  11. GDI already wins most matches on Field (from my experience) and you want to make it HARDER for Nod to win?

    In all the games I've played on Field (on both Renegade and Renegade X) I've never felt that was an issue for GDI nor have I seen anyone really complain about it.

    As IMBALISK said, you can easily get past the Obelisk with more than one player. You can get to the Refinery, Hand of Nod, or Obelisk this way.

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