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Posts posted by Dav3

  1. The thing that made RENEGADE awesome, was its values - damage values and health and speed of vehicles...and so on.

    It is so diff, its not even like the same game. Although I guess it isnt.

    over 100,000 downloads?... and between 200 and 500 players online at a time...Wish it held back til next year if needed :( I was really looking forward to this game. Think im gona buy a copy of the old one and hit up that community.

    Wish this was just an EXACT copy of the old game.

    More issues, have had proxy mines somehow glitched so they couldnt be disarmed.

    Super glitchy in map areas with vehicles, getting stuck, jammed, and so on.

    Some characters do so much damage to the internal master control panel. its retarded.

  2. Somehow people are selecting invisible characters. No not SBH. Completely invisible on GDI with Mendoza gun or sniper. Guys name was WacoTexas something in The Fury Pound server

    The music and effects are retarded loud when you launch game - and that is often cause it crashes all the time during map change.

    Both server browsers are broken. In game one will join diff one than u selected and doesnt show ping.

    Out of game one crashes when you press refresh ping

    Vehicles lag. Steering is clunky and horrible.

    Snipers shoot too slow, reloads take forever. Same with rav.

    Both apache and orca are crap, 20 round clip or something?

    Colors are way too dark, in game chat is odd and makes players non responsive and dont read it.

    Doors on buildings are glitchy

    Purchase terminals are gloomy and odd.

    PLEASE just make it like the old renegade.

    Speaking of that, i think im gona go try n play the old one.

    Was so excited for this to come out :( what a let down. I guess it is still beta tho.


  3. Agreed. you should be able to look at the car and see the names of the people in it when on ur team.

    and if ur in the car tank w.e you should see for example 1/2 or 1/5 listing the amount of people in the car, and people that it can hold, as well as the names of who is in.

    ALSO an the ability to kick them out. if your working as a team and a noob jumps in it cluster fks everything.

  4. There are major issues with both server browsers.

    Ingame only shows 5 at a time, with bizar options and what not.

    The out of game browser is shoddy and crashes, doesnt list ping, hit refresh ping and it goes to not responding and needing to close it.

  5. The in game server list doesnt show ping and only has space for like 5 at a time....=\

    And the Renegade X launcher - out of game server browser needs more tabs to show not just how many are in but the max and so on.

    Also, when i press refresh ping it crashes my Ren-x launcher and i need to relaunch it. Only once have I had it actually list the pings of the servers

  6. Uhm, so during the install i selected the server profile on my intended server.

    No idea how to run the server...the install seems the same as the regular one I have installed and played with on a few gaming comps.

    Nothing I can see in the Ren-x launcher or in the game itself has any settings for the server or how to start it?....seems to be the same as the client install?

    I assumed there would be some easy way to set the server settings / config and it would launch as a cmd window....?

    What am i missing

  7. Oh I recognize quite a few names.

    I played on and off for the past 10 years or so with my brothers.

    Used to frequent and AOW servers like storm, as well as wittebolx servers and of course others.

    would still be playing the old school today if i had the legit disk still :( tried dling it and "work around" but it becomes unplayable after i install the newest game browser, cant remember what its called. ( diff than resurrection )

  8. Essentially all my suggestions are relating to information about Renegade X because it is fairly hard to find - rather you need to look.

    I think this would help the success of the game making it easier to find

    1.) update the front page of Renegade-x to show the release date. ( It is vague and only links to a youtube page )

    2.) List the differences - im sure there is confusion about black dawn, the multi player, the old school and so on.

    Thats it! Maybe also make a mailing list people can subscribe to that will give them a 1 week reminder before the release, then a 1 day reminder, then a date of release infomring how to download.

    Some questions I have :

    How will servers operate? Will the server files be available before the release?

    Also....will there be some sort of "tracker" it would be nice to link game accounts to a tracker account where you can follow statistics on kills, deaths, time, score, even have a place to join clans and what not.

    Just my 2cents

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