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Posts posted by MechanicalMan

  1. Wow, that fast a reply? Heh.

    Also will the attack buggy's, Humvee, and transport copters chainguns be the same, or will they differ in power or range etc.

    I presume Renegade-x will have option to set up listen server games on a lan network? And will all the talk about bots, will there be option to play player vs bots games?

    Thanks and bring on 26/2/14!

  2. Hi

    Was just wondering if GDi and Nod APCs' will have any variance in performance? I.E. will one turn/handle better and/or have acceleration top speed than the other? This being as GDi-s' APC runs on tracks, while Nods' uses wheels? Or will they be the same across the board except for style [may have been just me but always felt Nods APC was a little nippier, while GDis' turned better...but could just be me].

    Also will the Orca and Apache handle differently due to one being helicopter aqnd the other a jet VToL? I.E. Apache more stable in air while Orca is faster?

    As for the Chinook, I'm guessing as its the same aircraft for both sides it will handle the same, which makes seeing as it is the same craft used by both [as before .

    Thanks for making an awesome game and hope to hear answers soon.

  3. Hey folks.

    Followed Ren-X for years and was long time vet of Renegade now looking for clan. Engineering was my speciality keeping the base and fighting forces up and running and good armour driver.

    Ssoo yeah, any openings?


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