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Everything posted by ren9999

  1. While you said you don't plan on overclocking, I would still go for a third party CPU cooler as the Stock Intel one is HORRIBLE at cooling. Something like the Cooler Master Hyper 212 EVO would be good, I own it and it brought idle temps down to mid 30s to 40C while the Intel Stock cooler idle temps were mid 60s to 70C (load temps with the EVO 212 rarely go over 65C). Look around at other third party coolers if you don't like the 212 EVO, I would highly recommend using a third party cooler over the Intel one. Just thought I'd throw my two cents about that in (couldn't resist). the evo is not compatible with the cpu socket. my cpu socket is LGA 1150 which is not supported by that cooler.
  2. battlefield 4 used less memory and cpu power COD Ghosts used less memory and cpu power world of tanks uses less than half the memory and cpu power with google chrome i can have 200+ tabs open and STILL use less memory than renX even if im playing more than 2 browser games simultaneously at the same time my specs: CPU: Intel Core 2 Duo E6550 GPU: EVGA GeForce GT 620 1024MB RAM: 4x 2gb dimm 240 pin 800 mhz (its all dual channel and ddr2) Hard Drive: 2 TB OS: win 7 professional x64 I'd recommend investing in a processor made in the last 6 (rather than 7) years (preferably one that will support DDR3). Or are you waiting for DDR4 to roll-out? while the motherboard would support a quad core, to upgrade my cpu means i have to pay VERY close attension to the EXACT dimensions of the cooling system, and that i have to get a third party cooling system for the cpu. to be able to try and use the cooling system that would come with the cpu i would have to HEAVILY case mod the machine (remove and reposition the cd drive and hard drive slots to outside the case and likely cut a hole in the lid of the case aswell. thats why im planning on build a new pc soon. the current one is a DC7800 from HP with the specs i posted above... such puny 240W PSU and there is only one possible replacement for the psu on the entire internet (i spent 2 months looking) and even that isnt a garunteed fit. as the psu for the DC7800 was made only for the DC7800 (aka it is proprietary to the case, its the same with the cpu cooling system) TL:DR upgrading the current pc any further would be more of a headache than any sane person would go through. this is what my build will be: Case: roswill challenger u3 CPU: intel core i7-4771 Motherboard: ASRock B85 Pro4 Ram: G.Skill Ripjaws 8gb ddr3 1333 Video card: EVGA GeForce GTX 760 2GB Optical drive: going to reuse my cd/dvd writing drive Hard drive: re using my 2 TB drive CPU cooler: intel stock cooler (because i shoulnt even NEED to overclock the cpu) Power supply: thermaltake TR2 600W (or a better 600W PSU if i can find one) OS windows 7 64 bit OEM (cuz fuck win8)
  3. battlefield 4 used less memory and cpu power COD Ghosts used less memory and cpu power world of tanks uses less than half the memory and cpu power with google chrome i can have 200+ tabs open and STILL use less memory than renX even if im playing more than 2 browser games simultaneously at the same time my specs: CPU: Intel Core 2 Duo E6550 GPU: EVGA GeForce GT 620 1024MB RAM: 4x 2gb dimm 240 pin 800 mhz (its all dual channel and ddr2) Hard Drive: 2 TB OS: win 7 professional x64
  4. Never use those discs to actually play the game... They are infamous for being prone to shattering into pieces >.> you sure u dont mean the original 2 disc version of RA2? cuz thats what happened to my soviet disc of ra2 a few years ago. had to replace the disc drive (my dad heard it from 2 rooms away too besides now i have both a The First Decade disc and the origin version as backups
  5. does the attached photo answer ur question? (yes i still have the CD-Key for em, no nobody can have it) im still using the same username as i did back then: ren9999 i still remember when the first scripts came out (its now scripts 4.1) hell i still have access to my original XWIS login for renegade
  6. attached pic says it all. look at the memory renx is using fyi the renegade x process name is UDK.exe
  7. me too as well. its somehow affecting the aim with the cannon on both sides youtube video of it happening to the appache:
  8. you just made it pretty damn obvious that youve either never played renegade x, let alone used the PIC, or your are a massive troll and need to GTFO i can tell by the rate of fire alone that the player with the personal ion cannon is obviously hacking, probably combining a rate of fire hack with an aimbot
  9. redone in what way?
  10. it used to be that the mines were pretty much insta kill, if they went off, but that was changed
  11. how is the current voting system in renx done? does it simply require more yes votes than no votes (sure as hell don't look like it) or does it require that more than half the player population on the server vote yes? (this option seems to be whats implemented and is dumb as all hell since most players don't even bother)
  12. I still have my 2 disc version of renegade around here somewhere... playes mostly st0rm till their ren servers shutdown... then I stopped for awhile and then I mostly played on the cloud server (anybody know their website?) and the MPF newmaps server... I been using the same name the entire time, never lost my xwis account (xwis name = ren9999)
  13. why are tiberium autorifles and tiberium flechette rifles unbuyable now?
  14. cant say i remember exile, but i DEFINATELY remember the st0rm server... fond memories. did you know freakyst0rm is now the mod/admin for st0rms minecraft servers? wilo/wilost0rm hasnt made an appearence on the st0rm forums (which are still there btw) for a very long time, and maybe once every few months ill see that wilo has said something on irc(but hes usually logged in to irc for what seems to be 24/7, maybe so he can keep an eye on whats going on?) but freakyst0rm and a few others still hang around on the forums, as do i
  15. i am an old schooler as well, since about 2002-03, and i STILL have my xwis account from back then my username has remained unchanged throughout my renegade playing history. (renegade is also how i GOT my username in the first place) it has been ren9999 eversince i started does anybody remember another player named kennyTreat? best sniper i knew anybody remember that one server that had the !chop command? you would use it like this !chop user2 the result would be something like this: user1 tried to cut user2's dick off but its so small he/she missed and circumsized themself Wilo decided it would be a great idea to start attacking other servers with a script kiddie DoS tool and crash them. He did so for a few months before people realized who the hell was doing it and created countermeasures. As a result St0rm was completely removed from XWIS by a consensus of server owners and Strike-Team. They shut their server down soon after that as it was entirely empty sitting on GameSpy. The condition for having their server serial(s) unbanned was the removal of Wilo. The majority of people at st0rm were good people but they refused. oy, i STILL remember that, but not only that i played on the st0rm server almost exclusively until that event, wilo had seemed like such a great guy (i actually talked to him on TS every so often back then)... then he went and started attacking servers. i still have a saved copy of his confession... in other news it seems like wilo has all but disappeared from st0rm, it seems more and more like freakyst0rm is running things now, but im not sure. (freaky is actually a pretty good guy and is the one who taught me that if you cover a player in remote c4 almost the only thing that can then kill the covered player is splash damage)
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