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  1. Hello, can you send us Black Dawn mission files including string,we want to translate that, too. By the way,is there any problem with translated files that I send you? Greats, Xeon-H
  2. Hello, can you send us Black Dawn mission files including string,we want to translate that, too. By the way,is there any problem with translated files that I send you? Greats, Xeon-H
  3. Hi,I can only translate but not code well,could I do this job? No you dont really need to be able to code to do this job. I could teach you pretty quickly what you would need to know. Could you send me a mail to rypel@gmx.de ? Then we can continue discussing that there and i can send you instructions and the files to change. Okay,thank you.
  4. Hi,I can only translate but not code well,could I do this job?
  5. Hi,I'm from Dragon Team and I am going to make the chinese vision,could you send us string files(*.int and ...)to us and that will make us more easier to make the chinese language pack?thank you.
  6. We will ask for translators in the future, but not right now. Ready now?
  7. Hi,I'm from Dragon Team and I am going to make the chinese vision,could you send us string files(*.int and ...)to us and that will make us more easier to make the chinese language pack?thank you.
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