Hello, can you send us Black Dawn mission files including string,we want to translate that, too.
By the way,is there any problem with translated files that I send you?
Hello, can you send us Black Dawn mission files including string,we want to translate that, too.
By the way,is there any problem with translated files that I send you?
Hi,I can only translate but not code well,could I do this job?
No you dont really need to be able to code to do this job. I could teach you pretty quickly what you would need to know. Could you send me a mail to rypel@gmx.de ? Then we can continue discussing that there and i can send you instructions and the files to change.
Okay,thank you.
Hi,I'm from Dragon Team and I am going to make the chinese vision,could you send us string files(*.int and ...)to us and that will make us more easier to make the chinese language pack?thank you.
Hi,I'm from Dragon Team and I am going to make the chinese vision,could you send us string files(*.int and ...)to us and that will make us more easier to make the chinese language pack?thank you.