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Posts posted by CoolAid

  1. Quote

    That seems a bit hyperbolic? 3 to 6 people, every match? That only occurs on maps without base defenses like Walls, when GDI is pressed into a corner. Moreover, it's just part of the game: GDI has armor and firepower (in general), Nod has stealth and guerilla tactics. Trying to flatten the curve would make the game boring, in my opinion. 

    You can always tell them to stop looking in bunches, too. Communication is half the battle in RenX. 

    On the day the BlueDrake video released and the few days after it was as terrible as he an i have written, and no it didnt matter how much money they had and there wasn't much pressure at the front at all. They just didn't repair or do any teamwork.

    Lukily things changed already for the better.

  2. Quote

    Mb the banned message should be rewrite bcoz its scary like been banned from the match in progress

    Yes, I think its a good idea too. In the voting menu "Mining Ban" to "Mining ban during match".

    "PlayerX wants to ban PlayerY from mining"
    could be changed to:
    "PlayerX wants to ban PlayerY from mining during/for this match"
    "PlayerX wants to temporarly ban PlayerY from mining".

  3. Quote

    I removed the sound for team-disarms a couple patches ago, if it still does that, it's a bug.

    Oh so when I disarm my own mines it still plays a disarm sound for me only, but the other team members won't be able to hear that anymore?

  4. Minebanning happends because new players don't notice the PM-messages. Or don't react to it. Or don't know how to send PMs to other players. If someone is minebanned they can simply disarm the mines of that player, its just alot more easy to do it that way. A mine-ban stays only active for that match so it isn't that bad. Trying to explain how mining works while you actually are needed to defend your base from imminent destruction is sometimes really hard to do.

    I started to do mining after I learned to hotwire/technician sneak and disarm enemy building mines. I observed how Calimero, Bioz and other good defenders/miners did it and then followed that example. It's basically just copying and pasting behaviour from other good players first, then start to learn why its good to do it in that way. Improve on it every time.

    Sneakers are the best base miners, because they know how to make it harder to get inside the building. If it takes longer to get inside, it's more likely that the sneaker is being spotted trying to get inside.

    When someone tells you that some mines are not good, listen to them. Remove your own mines by picking them up using the R key. Please dont right-click disarm the mines as that can make false-positive mine disarm sound and your team members might freak out.

    Here is some info about Proximity C4.

    If you see me in game, PM me about mining and I might be able to show you some things and explain.

    • Like 2
  5. Problems last week:

    Maybe for the first time there is a big group of new players who have not been playing Original Renegade in the past, so they don't know the gameplay (and strategies) of the game. They really don't know whats going on and what they are suppose to do.

    The veteran players where not really ready for dealing with it. I think most of us where surprised. A heads-up would have been nice so we knew what we where dealing with. Took me a while before i knew where the players where coming from.

    Newer players behaving like in other games, stealing team mates vehicles (reminded me of Battlefield 2 in the old days). For these new guys, empty vehicle means it's their vehicle to grab. Don't ask me why.

    Some newer players could be alot younger I quess. Some are even kids below 16, this is probably new for RenegadeX.

    Repairing isn't one of the task they think they should do. They don't feel very responsible for repairing tanks and buildings. If they do they rarely buy hotwires/technicians forsome reason. This is really as task for everyone, we should tell them that.

    Many newer players are new to this concept of teamplay and rushing. On a full server I could gather 3-6 people for a rush (while players had enough credits and even offered to donate). They don't (yet) seem to be the best teamplayer, they play very individualistic. Maybe some even think this is just another FPS or something.

    People not reading chat or commander messages. And ignoring all PM-messages.

    Newer players leaving (mammoth)(stealth) tanks in the field. Newer players opening fire while in a stealth tank (stank) rush. Newer players not following commander tank and not being buffed as a result.

    Newer players driving like idiots, blocking each others ways and blocking retreating tanks :D. They don't yet understand the concept of lanes.

    Many of the new player don't stick to the game and leave. This means alot of first tryers who are basically almost worthless for the team.

    Stat K/D whore (snipers) noticing and taking the oppertunity to farm easy kills to make their K/D better.

    I have seen the veteran players stack now even more to avoid being in the team that is full of new players. This results in a quick stomb of one team. Really not the experience you want the new guys to have, as this makes many uninstall the game.

    • Like 2
  6. The SMG is often the first weapon I use to assasinate (open fire) with. I try to hit all bullets into the head of an enemy that has Flak armor type. When you do it correctly, you have the kill and nobody hears your shots. Trying the same with the very loud SBH main laser rifle will make all nearby tanks turn their turrets in your direction.

  7. If the team has a commander yes/no could also in addition be in the calculation for the availability of the vote poll or min requirement. Because if the team has no commander, the change to win is very small. Also if the team has no commander it's sadly often because the enemy team is too stacked or the own team has too many newbs and noobs or is lacking teamplay and common sense.

    Team score might also be in the calculation. Not sure about this one though.

  8. Quote

    Not really sure what more can be done, I increased the percentage up 25% back in October 2020, and also made a big red text pop up in middle of screen when map changing votes (changemap, restartmap, surrender) votes are started.

    I always thought of a different notification sound for when changemap, restartmap, surrender votes are started. That way it's also harder to have change map votes from being succesful when one team F1s on the last seconds while the other team is distracted (rushing or something else).

    • Like 1
  9. Quote

    There actually is a chat window in the pause menu. Very few people knew about this I assume.

    But that one doesn't show big red commander (rush) messages. Also chat in pauze menu is cumersome to reach as many people have the "Private Chat" tab selected and not the "Public chat" tab.

    There schould be a quick button for a windows that shows all chats or all team chats including PMs and Commander (rush) messages.

  10. After the first game that I commanded I noticed I had much trouble with the commander-menu. It's just not user friendly enough imho. It's also very hard to get yourself used to it. So i wrote an Autohotkey script so that I didn't had to use it that much. And it helps alot, especially when you have to double-buff your team or quickly place two Smoke Screens. I find alot of comfort in using it, as i'm just too clumsy to use the commander-menu. I think that if people would use this, it helps them to become a decent commander and they can focus more on strategies instead of their troubles using all the keys to get to the commander-command they need to use.

    For example: I now only have to press two keys (Numpad 5 and Numpad 6) to have my team double-buffed.


    Download AutoHotkey:
    https://www.autohotkey.com/ (Use current version, not version 2)

    Use the script:
    Place the code below in Notepad and save as .ahk extension instead of .txt extension. Or just download the .ahk-file below.

    It doesn't matter in what location you save the file. For example saving to the desktop will be fine.

    You are able to run the AutoHotkey script only if you have AutoHotkey installed, just double-click the .ahk-file to run it.
    If you run it, you will notice a green icon with a white H character in the Windows taskbar (right side small icons, aka notification area).

    Make sure NumLock light is active (on) before useage or the commander-powers probably won't work.


    Renegade X autohotkey script for commanders - (created by: CoolAid)

    Save this text-file as .ahk extension instead of .txt and you are able to run the AutoHotkey script when you have AutoHotkey installed.

    Testing this script:
    1. Go into a Skirmish game (with or without bots).
    2. Press F5 and write "givecp 3000" and hit Enter to give yourself CP again to test command powers.
    3. Press F5 and write "god" to enable invincibility (optional).

    Look at the script for the available hotkeys/functions. It's easy!


    ; ==================================================================================================
    ; ==================================================================================================
    ; Renegade X autohotkey script for commanders
    ; Created by: CoolAid
    ; Use the script:
    ; Place the code below in Notepad and save as .ahk extension instead of .txt extension.
    ; You are able to run the AutoHotkey script when you have AutoHotkey installed, just double-click the .ahk-file to run it.
    ; Testing this script:
    ; 1. Go into a Skirmish game (with or without bots).
    ; 2. Press F5 and write "givecp 3000" and hit Enter to give yourself CP again to test command powers.
    ; 3. Press F5 and write "god" to enable invincibility (optional).
    ; ==================================================================================================
    ; ==================================================================================================
    ; ==================================================================================================
    #NoEnv  ; Recommended for performance and compatibility with future AutoHotkey releases.
    ; #Warn  ; Enable warnings to assist with detecting common errors.
    ; SendMode Input  ; Recommended for new scripts due to its superior speed and reliability.
    SetWorkingDir %A_ScriptDir%  ; Ensures a consistent starting directory.
    ; ==================================================================================================
    ; ==================================================================================================
    ; CapsLock always off   ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
    ; ==================================================================================================
    ;	; Side effect: CapsLock always off while RenHotkey is active.
    	If (InStr(CapsLock_Always_Off, "yes", false)) {
    		SetCapsLockState, AlwaysOff
    ; END - CapsLock always off
    ; ==================================================================================================
    ; ==================================================================================================
    #IfWinActive ahk_exe UDK.exe
    ; The code below is only active when the Renegade game window is active.
    ; Terminate Renegade X process when it freezes (Alt + F4).
    process, close, UDK.exe ;Kill/Terminate/Close RenegadeX (UDK.exe) by using Alt + F4.
    ; Commander ability: Radar Scan
    SendInput {Ctrl down}{c down}{c up}{Ctrl up}
    Sleep 10
    SendInput 3
    Sleep 10
    SendInput 1
    Sleep 10
    SendInput {q down}
    Sleep 500
    SendInput {q up}
    ; Commander ability: Smoke Screen
    SendInput {Ctrl down}{c down}{c up}{Ctrl up}
    Sleep 10
    SendInput 3
    Sleep 10
    SendInput 2
    Sleep 10
    SendInput {q down}
    Sleep 500
    SendInput {q up}
    ; Commander ability: EMP Strike
    SendInput {Ctrl down}{c down}{c up}{Ctrl up}
    Sleep 10
    SendInput 3
    Sleep 10
    SendInput 3
    Sleep 10
    SendInput {q down}
    Sleep 500
    SendInput {q up}
    ; Commander ability: Cruise Missile
    Sleep 10
    SendInput {Ctrl down}{c down}{c up}{Ctrl up}
    Sleep 10
    SendInput 3
    Sleep 10
    SendInput 4
    Sleep 10
    SendInput {q down}
    Sleep 500
    SendInput {q up}
    ; Commander ability: Defensive Initiative
    SendInput {Ctrl down}{c down}{c up}{Ctrl up}
    Sleep 10
    SendInput 3
    Sleep 10
    SendInput 5
    Sleep 10
    SendInput {q down}
    Sleep 500
    SendInput {q up}
    ; Commander ability: Offensive Initiative
    SendInput {Ctrl down}{c down}{c up}{Ctrl up}
    Sleep 10
    SendInput 3
    Sleep 10
    SendInput 6
    Sleep 10
    SendInput {q down}
    Sleep 500
    SendInput {q up}
    ; Commander ability: Stop/Start Harvester (Ctrl + Numpad1).
    SendInput {Ctrl down}{c down}{c up}{Ctrl up}
    Sleep 10
    SendInput 4
    Sleep 10
    SendInput 1
    Sleep 10
    SendInput {q down}
    Sleep 500
    SendInput {q up}
    ; Commander ability: Harvester - Set Harvester Waypoint (Ctrl + Numpad2).
    SendInput {Ctrl down}{c down}{c up}{Ctrl up}
    Sleep 10
    SendInput 4
    Sleep 10
    SendInput 2
    Sleep 10
    SendInput {q down}
    Sleep 500
    SendInput {q up}
    ; Commander ability: Harvester - Remove Harvester Waypoint (Ctrl + Numpad3).
    SendInput {Ctrl down}{c down}{c up}{Ctrl up}
    Sleep 10
    SendInput 4
    Sleep 10
    SendInput 3
    Sleep 10
    SendInput {q down}
    Sleep 500
    SendInput {q up}
    ; Commander ability: Harvester - Toggle To Self-Destruct (Ctrl + Numpad4).
    SendInput {Ctrl down}{c down}{c up}{Ctrl up}
    Sleep 10
    SendInput 4
    Sleep 10
    SendInput 4
    Sleep 10
    SendInput {q down}
    Sleep 500
    SendInput {q up}
    ; Commander ability: Place "FOCUS FIRE" marker (Caps Lock).
    SendInput {Ctrl down}{c down}{c up}{Ctrl up}
    Sleep 50
    SendInput 1
    Sleep 50
    SendInput 7
    Sleep 50
    SendInput {q down}{q up}
    Sleep 50
    SendInput e
    SendInput e
    SendInput e
    ; Show map screen by pressing the mouse upper side button.
    SendInput {m down}{m up}
    KeyWait XButton2
    SendInput {m down}{m up}
    ; Commander team rush messages: Open Y to write a team message. Instead of pressing Enter, press Right-Shift to send it as a RUSH message.
    SendInput {home}
    Sleep 30
    SendInput /r{space}{end}
    Sleep 30
    SendInput {enter}
    ; Repeat your last written team message (makes use of the 'arrow-up' key to repeat your last message) (Page Up).
    SendInput y
    Sleep 250
    SendInput {up}
    Sleep 250
    SendInput {enter}
    ; Send commander message "Follow me, this way!" (Page Down).
    SendInput y
    Sleep 250
    SendInput {backspace}{backspace}{backspace}
    Sleep 250
    SendInput /C{space}
    SendInput Follow me, this way{!}
    SendInput {enter}



    • Like 1
    • Thanks 1
  11. "At this time I am not going to detail what you did multiple times (documented with screenshots), because then you'll know who is complaining."
    I don't know for what reasons you are documenting this? There is a big difference between complaining and toxicity. Having been in toxic workplaces myself i know the difference very well. I do have the right to complain, even when i'm a commander. You don't see me do it every game, but when i see alot of decent players only playing half the game or not teamworking at all then a shoutout can sometimes work.

    "And I've seen you vote to kick out your own teammates for things they didn't do." Actually i only vote kick people out if there is a reason for it. I'm certain i probably made a mistake somewhere sometime. I can say i never vote kicked people for performing bad, only for staying AFK half the match or not gaining more that 7 points in 15 minutes. Those people just joined to AFk and watch netflix or something. Some i suspected to be spy accounts. I do know that sometimes someone seems to cheat that way unfortunatly.

    "your use of a glitch" what glitch are you refering about? The last time i used a glitch was like 6 month ago, and that got patched (nuke beacon in tiberium field crystals to nuke harvester). And if you count smoke spam on beacons, it got patched. All my recent beacons where very disarmable, and no mod contacted me about anything. Yes, i have some good beacon spots, I learned from others. Combined with smoke and another distraction beacon that did really work out well because it was so perfect. But people could easily disarmed the beacon if they didn't panic or get confused by the beacon setup (yes the beacon light was visible and beacon was disarmable as i know from previous failures). Then you get like 10 players in GDI telling me that the beacon was not disarmable... and no i didn't get toxic of that. I told the mod to investigate the demo. Never heared anything since from a mod.

    Also stating that we have lots of newbs or noobs in the team compared to the other team isn't "making fun of" or toxic behaviour, im just stating the facts as they are or my opinion. I think your definition of toxic differs from me.

    If someone mines like shit, i tell him sometimes personally in public. I don't say that the player is shit, the mining-job just isnt sufficiently safe. Even if it's a good player or mod. Sometimes the reason is "lazy or no one else mined", but fixing mines is a pain in the ass. Sometimes people want to learn and come to fix the job and i gladly tech them how to do it better. The problem is mostly time, the commander doesn't have much time for teaching or the player isn't willing to fix or improve anything.


  12. 22 hours ago, mouse705 said:
    1. This is bad because players like Coolaid constantly mock players' skill and trash talks his own team (the rule about not being toxic is ignored). People PM and say my aim sucks. Why? Because of my high ping. I constantly glitch in 2 different places (on my screen only). But they don't care, they have good ping and it goes to their ego.

    No this I do only sometimes. Actually to get people aware they arent playing as a team. You know the solo sniper who doesnt make much kills and doesn't spot for his tyeammates, the sbh who does nothing in field, not even spotting. As much as it might surprise you, i see many times improvements when players start thinking again about that needs to be dona in the team vs what they want to do. I rarely personally call names of people that play bad publicly. I don't know what your nickname is ingame. If i did do it one time to you. Well, sorry but you might want to improve if possible. Maybe you take things a little too personal. Yes i do state facts when all newbs/noobs are one one side of the team somehow, wether it be coincidence or active stacking. Yes, i do keep track of who is kinda new or noobish or what players are generally experienced and good. And also who the good sneakers are. Unfortunatly many games i can predict what side will win the game just by looking at the player names.

    As an EU player from Netherlands, i have played on NA server and i never complained about ping (ususally 140-160 ping). It doesnt make my aim bad. Also this ping doesnt hurt the tactics i use to beat the enemy. I dont know if any higher ping like 200 will be unplayable but i see good tank players with the higher pings.

    Roweboat is an NA player and I don't consider his aim/playing bad on EU server in any way.

  13. Two times this week I noticed a new bug that I never had before. When we rushed, defence buff, with the transport helicopter it becomes suddently impossible to steer the heli. This could be because of the SAMS hitting it, but even after that it was still almost impossible. It does steer but very very very insanely slow. Also i hearn of someone else once who had this bug also. Are there more instances, what is your experience?

  14. Yes, please disable on low population matches! Also please disable the spy crates on low population matches.

    Last time i got very frustrated. We had some tanks in the field and i happen to be one of them. It was somewhat a 10 vs 10 match. Someone place a Nuke beacon behind bar as a sniper spy. I left my empty mammoth in the field, commited suicide and quickly bought a hotwire. Searched the beacon and quickly found it. No one to be seen. The spy sniper had distanced himself somehwere at the Weapons Factory i believe. I was headshotted while i was disarming and moving at the same time. There wasn't much to do to prevent this other than having dedicated campers/base defenders on the team. There are only a few people that know how to base defend on low population and are willing to dedicate themselves to this (booring) task for the entire game.

    • Like 2
  15. Yesterday a known person trolled me because he thought my heroic mammy was too OP. He openend a kick poll vote on me when i was bussy and i happened to miss it. After that he wanted to steal the mammy. For some reason my team mates didnt press F2 also. So I got kicked from the server and had to rejoin. But i lost all score and for some reason the vehicle kills counter was also reset to 0. Is this ment to be as a punishment or is it a bug? The Veterancy and K/D counter was still the same, it was still there.

  16. I dont think that will work. For example. If you would quickvote poll to stop a harv for example. Many people would just F2 because they think the harverster is probably going to survive (even in a situation where it really will not). Many people just never want the harverster to be stopped because they think it's going to give them more credits if you allow it to run all time. It still would be a nice addition to vote for harverster start/stop when there is no active commander. Just a new idea.

    We all know the matches in Original Renegade. Many where not really organised. It's not about commander ability to use command powers. It's really more about communication to the team from a central point (the commander), that is the important thing and makes all the difference. Knowlegde, planning, stategy and map awareness. Sure the team can help with this alot. For example spamming spotting with Q-key, PM the commander about important matter and giving the commander new idea's for the best rushes to do in the current situation. I really dont see much of this being done right now. So I don't really think that every ability should also be given to players, many will not use it correctly and for the purpose it's ment to be. You will only see more solo-ing happening...

  17. I think your key kindings need a reset.

    It's best to use the numbers 1,2,3,4,5,6 to switch weapons. This is by far the fastest and most effective way to change directly to the weapon you want. It doesn't take much to get used to it. It will become natural in no time.

  18. I think it's the "Web protection" feature of Malwarebytes. This one sometimes blocks websites/IPs that host infected files (or have been hosting in the past).

    When I visit the website https://multiplayerforums.com/ the "Web protection" feature of Malwarebytes also warns about a trojan. Probably because one of the downloads there might be infected or it has links to infected downloadable files.

    Ofcourse it could be false positives. But for me there is no way to know for sure.


  19. I'm surprised that people are blaming the commander role too often. I commanded many games so far and I can tell that most people are not helping the commander at all. But the ones who do are of great value to the commander. I experimented with this and played at least one game where i fully dedicated myself to help the commander (I spied GDI base as SBH and PM-ed the commander many times) and it worked beautifully.

    Helping the commander and team mates is done by spotting all enemy units. Especially SBH/snipers should do this, but it's rarely done. Sometimes the commander is just guessing where and what type of enemy tanks there are on the map for example.

    As a commander I rarely receive PMs from team members that want to help out. People just expect you to read every team message. Well try to do that when you are in a difficult (tank)fight... Simple PMs could be "Please stop harv, area unsafe", "Please start harv, it's safe", "Field suddenly is quiet, they might tunnel rush!" "Two enemy transport heli in their base".

    Or people should use the Team Polls more often to warn the entire team about the incoming danger. Short team polls are most often read immediately. Team chat is not! Especially when people don't use "Defend the base!" radio message after chat message.

    Or people should learn how to use the "Defend the base!" radio message (it's rarely used in RenX while in OG renegade it was used very good). If people hear this they will start reading your important team chat message!


    And yes sometimes the commander makes a critical mistake that will be very painful, one that you might not recover from. This happens, but most commanders keep it in mind for the next time and learn from the mistakes. I always listen to critics and see what's gone wrong, although it probably may not seem like it. Sometimes i made a big mistake, sometimes the team isn't performing well enough to fight back the enemy. Many times it's a combination of both. Critic is many times given in a hard way, we all know that this isn't the correct way.


    No, I don't think it's a good idea to have a pool of CP being shared by multiple commander roles. That creates more chaos. Imagine sub-commanders using up CP just before the commander needs to buff a rush ;)


    Some new idea's for Renegade X:

    - A special key for chatting with the team's commander. This may encourage people to PM the commander more. I think that if you make it more easier for people, they will start to do it more often. Then the commander can forward the important info/messege to the team.

    - A special key for warnings about incoming enemy rushes? These messeges are then displayed in a different way and also with a very subtle warning sound. Right now the poll votes are being used by some players (including me) to warn the team for incoming rushes. The poll votes are not meant to be for this. And also sometimes there is already a poll vote so it then is not possible to warn the team with a poll vote. There is ofcourse some concern about spam with this idea, players should not abuse this chat function.

    - The possibility to somehow ping a request for harvester stop/start to the commander. Many times the commander is too bussy and totally forgets about the harverster micromanagement. This often leads to the enemy killing the harverster and gaining alot of vet points.

    - It would be a nice addition to vote for harverster start/stop when there is no active commander. I have had alot of my vehicles get destroyed because that harverster is bumping into your tank defending the base entrance. (Nightmarish flashbacks of OG renegade C&C Mesa harvesters coming up). For example a short 7-seconds vote poll of some kind. The vote poll can be also available when there is an active commander, but the commander then gets to decide and has to start/stop manually. The outcome of that poll can be presented to the commander with an on screen notice, like "Team requested you to STOP the harvester" and "Team requested you to START the harvester". The commander may also allow/disallow the request by pressing F1 or F2 in the vote poll. Just something like this.

    - Please add a section in the Renegade X menu for a help screen/guide that teaches people how to use the PM-function and donate function. It takes a long time before players get to know this, they usually have to be teached now manually by other players. Communication is essential for new players too because they will learn the game faster and will more likely stick to this game as they experience more of the team-playing aspects.

    - New additive PM-function:
    The ability to quickly PM someone that you are targeting with your mouse crosshair (or last team member you targeted). Let's just say this could be really especially useful with (SBH) sneaking teamplay. Hover your mouse crosshair over a team-memeber and press a special key op open the PM chatbox with the name of that team-member already polulated and you can begin typing immediatly. This is much faster and prevents typo mistakes then players have a difficult name. Also it's not always easy to read the name-tag of the player in every situation.

    - Small improvement: Harverster started messege.
    Right now the team only gets notified when the harverster is stopped but not when it's started. But the team also needs to know when it is being started again, so the team can begin defending it. These sometimes is some ambiguity about the state of the harverster (running or stopped).

    - Small improvement: Harverster info improved

    On the score board instead of only "active" or "destroyed" we can also display info like "stopped" and "to tiberium field", "resturning to refinery". On the map display screen there is no info about the harverster. It would be nice if this info about the harv (including it's health bar) is also displayed there. This is especially useful for commanders because they often view the map screen. The harverster is an important unit and the commander is responisble for its safety. Maybe in addition it's also a good idea to make the harverster more visible on the map (e.g. outlined in green color).

    - (Sound) notification (for commander) when the harvester is going on it's route to the tiberium field. With a clear notice, the commander can decide if it's still safe for the harverster to go gather the tiberium. Right now we only have the credits dump sound, but this is hard to hear when fighting in battle. With the notification the commander can stop the harvester in time when the tiberium field is unsafe.

    Other improvements:
    - PM notification sound is very low, barely notisable when in a fight. Sometimes people are missing the messages.
    - Nerfing GDI sattelite scan: the sound that is being played when you are as nod being marked by the sattelite scan is very low volume, barely notisable when in a fight. Since the sattelite scan is OP compared to Nod's spy plane, please at least make it very obvious that you are scanned by it. So that way you know as commander that a rush has been scanned so the commander can make final adjustments like changing the plan/route etc.

    • Like 1
    • Thanks 1
  20. Hello,

    Ik tried updating Renegade X today and my Malwarebytes Premium showed me a message and blocked an outbound connection for the reason "Trojan". It could be possible there is an infection in the website. Maybe even de game update (i doubt this, but it's not impossible for some developer having an infected/hacked computer)?

    It didnt give this message on all previous updates that where downloaded. I have Malwarebytes Premium running for years.

    I stopped the download of the update as a precausion.

    Please investigate this matter.


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