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Posts posted by zocom7

  1. Well I didn't want to mention this in the Feedback/Bugs section since few people posted there (mostly for bug issues), but since some are calling for more game modes in Renegade-X, I figured it would be best come up with this. Because why not, Renegade-X already has most of the stuff needed for a Battle Royale: large scaled maps great for a MOBA, crates, vehicles, weapons and different character class roles. The possibilities of this game mode can be limitless. I wish the devs of Totem Arts can implement this without profiting from micro-transactions, but wait.... Ren-X is already a free game after all. Ren-X can be improved much more with this new game mode in addition to just command and conquer.

    If I wanted a free Battle Royale game without microtransactions, this game along with Unreal Tournament could have the potential.

  2. In version 5.1 the game can be fully downloaded from this site. But starting in 5.2, it's a launcher and was given only one server. So what happened to the other alternative mirror servers that used to download the game? The only full build I found is a 5.21 but that version someone reported to be buggy.

    I like the original full build to download the game, no matter how large it is, and needs to be uploaded into IndieDB as well.

  3. Ever since version 5.16 was released, there was one thing the developers might have forgotten after all this time. When you load the game, the splash image of the game's logo appears, but the description of "Copyright 2016 by Totem Arts" was not there. Come on, devs! You think I know some people would assume Epic Games made this Indie game, you've got to include Totem Arts in the splash image.


  4. No answer onto as where can I find the file(s) just for adding bot names?

    I know one other thing that's infrequent.... female bot names and we need more of that, starting with Agent. :D

  5. The problem I found out was that neither 32-bit versions of Windows 7 and even 10 had Renegade-X working, regardless of video card or PC rig. When I played the 5.16 version of Renegade-X in Win7 or Win10 64-bit, there were no problems at all. The problem was when loading the main menu or playing the Unreal game logo, the game crashes. Another issue I encountered, before the installation of Renegade-X was completed, the installation of MS Framework was not responding, except in 64-bit OSs. What version(s) of MS Framework and/or VC Runtime were required to run the game without issues?

    Something tells me that recent versions of Renegade-X wasn't meant to work in 32-bit OSs anymore, even it is supported. As to the devs, please fix that issue for 32-bit users, because I believe that issue still has not been fixed.

  6. I think you are able to add new bots to games in the config files. I remember looking through and seeing all the bot names at one point.

    Where can I find those config files? What are the names of them?

  7. Well it happened to me in one new map under patch 5.003, the new map CNC-Eyes. That is totally unfair because Obelisks shouldn't be attacking aircraft units.

    This tactic reminds me of Tiberium Alliances where ground-only defenses can still attack aircraft and thus break the rules of the game.

    Please fix this in the next patch.

  8. I have decided to add for the 20th C&C anniversary, a new poll for the best C&C Indie game. Only eight made it to this list excluding the incomplete Tiberium RPG game (which is untitled) and WIP games like Generals 2 on the Unity 3D Engine and an untitled C&C game on the Unreal Engine 4.


    This time I used Pollvote as the main voting site. If there is spam voting in Pollvote (in which I hope it should not happen) for that question, that question will be redone again into Strawpoll.me to limit spam voting. Although not official by EA and so is ModDB/IndieDB, this poll is just another fun poll, but this poll has never been done before. Next week I will set up round two of the polls.

    Best C&C Indie -- Renegade-X vs. RA: A Path Beyond: http://vote.pollcode.com/88676661

    Best C&C Indie -- Tiberium Crystal War vs. Tiberian Sun Reborn: http://vote.pollcode.com/65255612

    Best C&C Indie -- Mental Omega (v3) vs. Open RA: http://vote.pollcode.com/84598428

    Best C&C Indie -- Twisted Insurrection vs. The Dawn of the Tiberian Age: http://vote.pollcode.com/56742153

    Note that Mental Omega (version 3) and Twisted Insurrection had became indies without the original C&C game(s). Also note that Open RA is the only exception for an indie mod tool game.

    Also coming soon to Moddb (I hope), also for the C&C's 20th anniversary, I will set up a new C&C poll larger than the typical NCAA March Madness bracket. So far my bracket is almost done, just missing out some new released C&C mods I have yet to see before.

  9. There is a reason that CNC-Deck map (the unofficial 13th map) was in the game which was converted from a remade UT99 map for UT3, but the problem with the AI and the starting of a random character (Engineers should be excluded because they have no good weapons) in that map still need some work.

    But I think with the UDK, Deathmatch, Team Deathmatch and Capture the Flag would be great additions to Renegade-X. What do you think?

    Now I wonder what Ren-X look like if the CTF-Face map was in the game. :D

  10. I am hoping this is to be mentioned ASAP since more mutators and maps are coming out including a WIP AI bot fix. I know the Titan will be in the next official release, but what about having a Hover MLRS and Tesla Tank officially playable in the buy menu?

  11. It's boring playing vanilla factions of GDI vs Nod. Since someone already implemented a Titan and a Hover MLRS, that's enough to bring in a new playable faction into Renegade-X.

    Steel Talons shall have the same structures, but mostly different units. Here are the seven great units in Steel Talons:


    Wolverine (not implemented yet)

    Bulldog (not implemented yet)

    Repair APC (not implemented yet)

    Hover MLRS

    Mammoth Tank

    Mastodon (not implemented yet)

  12. Today I've updated the map, fixed the bots. Get the update! Server is already updated.

    Two questions:

    1) Is the update link in the first post of this thread the most recent one with working bots in-game?

    2) The first time I tried loading your map, I cannot find the Titan unit to buy. It should be an additional unit in the buy menu. Also, how can I summon the Titan via the dev console?

  13. Ruud033, aren't you going to add bots into the game?

    Also how can I input the cheat code to summon a Titan, because I would like that unit be activated in other maps too? It's not even available in the buy menu.

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