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About JaTochNietDan

  • Birthday 07/23/1992

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  1. If you open the server log, is it getting written to as players are killed and stuff? Make sure that the path to the log is right also in the settings file for the stat tracker. It could be that the format of how stuff is printed out in the log has been changed in the newer version of Renegade-X perhaps? Wouldn't really take much to adjust the code if that is the case.
  2. Yeah, that was the one.
  3. Yeah it's probably because the server isn't writing to the log file immediately. There was a commandline argument that you use when launching the server which tells the server to immediately write to the server log as soon as the things happen in-game. I can't remember it though...
  4. Hi, I've done a bit of work on the readme and made a release on Github so you don't have to try and build it yourself. If you need any more help getting set up, let me know.
  5. Hi folks, when Renegade X was released I pulled an all nighter or two and whipped together a stat tracker and website to go with it. This was quite a while back and unfortunately since then I've been unable to continue running a server and I've also become quite busy. I'm not sure of the status of stat tracking in Renegade-X at the moment, maybe there's way better tools out there already now but I thought I might as well just throw this out anyway. https://github.com/JaTochNietDan/Renegade-X-Stats-Tracker I've pretty much just dumped it out, so it's not very noob friendly to set up. If there's demand for it I'll get some documentation together for installation and management of it and make a few updates so that it's more fleshed out for public use. Hopefully will be able to get around to doing that this weekend. Features Tracks player stuff based on Steam ID, things like kills, buildings destroyed, vehicles destroyed and more Has a web interface which you can login to through Steam and set your avatar, only experimental really. Has administration system, you can kick players, ban players, add administrators who will be auto authenticated via SteamID and a few more things. There's even separate levels for different levels of control. As far as maintaining this and doing updates, it depends on demand really. If this is something people are going to use, I'll be happy enough to chug out updates every now and again, as long as they are not ludicrous! It's open source anyway and the code isn't terribly unclear, so feel free to fork me on Github and make changes.
  6. Welcome to the forum!
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