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[Dragon]Omicron NEGA

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About [Dragon]Omicron NEGA

  • Birthday 01/02/1989

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[Dragon]Omicron NEGA's Achievements


Newbie (1/14)



  1. Then I'll try my best to avoid this
  2. If I were you, I won't accept someone that claimed has the skill but can't show it to me either So my last question is: please tell me what kind of character would you like to have? I'll make one, then the model won't be wasted. Thx
  3. OK. Looks like u guys really busy, and I wish I could join. Any suggestions? Thx!
  4. Well,actually, I have some completely done models, but for some reason, I can't show them in here. Here are my steps creating a model: First, In ZB, create a Hi-Poly model, then I'll go to 3DS MAX topologize my model, Unwrap UVW. Then I'll go back to ZB draw texture using the UVW map which I unweaped in 3DS MAX, genetrate color map, normal map, specular map, diffuse map(using original hi-poly model). Finally, go to photoshop, make textures jointless. I'm kinda busy these days ,because i'm in a middle of a project. So I made a sample of a character. I'll be totally free from next month, then I can make character for RenX. BTW: my coding is much better than moldeling, but since UDK uses Unreal Script, which I currently uncomprehending, so I think I should do modeling. But if you need help in coding,(like C++ C# HLSL), I'm glad to help Edit: my MSN: wjweini@hotmail.com Editx2: And of course, just tell me what kind of character do you need, characteristic, and I'll make one.
  5. Hi there! I'm a member of the clan [Dragon], a technical director. There are many people play CCR in China, and we told them that there will be a game called Renegade-X, made of UE3.(UDK) Once Renegade-x published, I will be the translation leader. They are looking forward to play RenX. I hope to join Renegade-X Development Team and do my best at this project. Here are my abilities: I'm experienced of Zbrush , 3dsmax and Photoshop.(of course I have a tablet) I can do modeling. Here are some my Hi-Poly models below. I'm also experienced of C, C++(D3D especially) C#(XNA especially)and HLSL. and I made some samples: http://www.mediafire.com/?2j8ack3dd7wwr3k I also can do coding. actully,i have posted a request on 08-14-2010 ( http://www.renegade-x.com/forums/showthread.php?2469-Renegade-X-is-looking-for-Coders-and-Character-Artists!/page2),but got no reply so hope get your guys attentions in this time. Hope u guys accept me. Thx, have a nice day
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