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Everything posted by FredWPx

  1. Thanks for the kind reply, I really hope that that will be the case.
  2. My first impression is, that I am not impressed, or that I'm not even having fun. Sure there is nobody online at this very moment, but that doesn't change much about my opinion. When I first heard of Renegade-X I was hoping for a refreshing new start in the line of C&C Renegade, I was very interested in seeing the project head off well. But right now I have a lot of questions in mind. Was the Unreal engine a good choice? The graphical gimmicks is not something that attracts a C&C Renegade player in the first place. It's about the unique play of the game, that it's very team based and everything fits together nicely (regardless of the many issues the existing C&C Renegade has). Besides that, the game doesn't feel like C&C Renegade at all. When you walk around, first person and third person, when you drive a vehicle, when you place a beacon, it's all so different. These are all little things, but they are many little things that together make the difference. I don't think a lot can be changed about my opinion. I was downloading the game earlier and I was figuring out in my mind how I would get some people on the game, my friends, and so forth, I would try to make a thread to expose Renegade-X a bit. But after trying, the only thing I really want to do is press the uninstall button and free up some space. Yes, you could say this is a decent remake of C&C Renegade, which so many people always dreamed of and talked about through out the years since Westwood Studios was no longer among us, but no, I don't this game will be successful at all no matter how much you try. You can get as much exposure you want, but this game is lacking something that will make people come back and stick around. Also, I was giving Renegade-X (finally) a go after I was experiencing issues with my C&C Renegade serial. But it looks like I will now just return to C&C renegade and stubbornly do what it takes to get that serial issue fixed. The game (amazingly) still is a lot of fun for me. Also, something I'm adding, all the videos of Renegade-X seem to show off the surroundings and the vehicles, showing off the graphics. In my opinion that's not what a C&C Renegade remake should be about. Have you ever seen a C&C Renegade video showing off the surrounding? No, when you see a C&C Renegade multiplayer video you get to see how hectic and epic everything is that happens around you. I have yet to see such a video about Renegade-X, and have always been craving a little bit for such a video to be officially made and put on the website.
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