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Everything posted by zhetesh

  1. Hello there, It could be possible have this game on playstation? There is a "game called dreams" that you can use to make other games, I've see even Nintendo games that way, Could you do this game for playstation please? I don't play outside of playstation now and I live this renegade game
  2. hi i m the new guy . well 1st to say: i love this game!!! and 2nd, i thing we all can do more 4 this mod that all love play, we must bring more people !!!!!! we need more players we need more publisity, we need all that 4 all of us, if more people get into this more fun we´ll have!!! i thik we should tell everyu budy about this mod, and now we have how!! the facebook, youtube and the other social networks will do the job very well!! is up to us !!!! More people = more games more people = game all day long! more People = more people that could help whit new maps and stuffs More people = more fun!!!!!!!!!!!!! Come on people is up to us make this game the bigest!!! i found this game searching mi old favorite game C&C renegade, one line in one post of taringa wrote some thing abuout "renegade X" and i say.... WTF?? it could be true!!?? then i search in youtube and saw the trailer and faound the link the here!!! People!!!! we need marketing!!!!!! and the best marketing of all is tell a friend and if gets intersted the friend will tell some one else!!!!!!!!!!! an the chain will grow exponentially!! well i m so happy for this mod that i wana play it all the time, 4 that we need more people know this mod we sould go to every site or C&C renegade and write some thik about renegade X whit the link to you tube tariler, coz seeing that they will be hooked up!!!
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