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Everything posted by Irvanin

  1. From what I can understand is you may need supporters and new people to see this game in progress, so I was wondering if maybe the main producers/programmers/artists could have a stream that would support the game and we could advertise for it if you want. It wouldn't have to last for long, maybe a day or so just to gain support and popularity so when the game comes out people are more aware. A good website to do this on would be: http://www.livestream.com/ I would like to hear if you guys would be alright for this and make a post in the forums if you do it. Good luck, and good night.
  2. I'd love to play such a game from my childhood like renegade online, but I'm not sure if this game is still being made and produced. If so, how can I play the version of it now if I can?
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