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Posts posted by Firos12

  1. Thanks!

    Fobby has already assigned me to the Canyon level :) I started working on it last night, right now it's in a very basic state. I'm currently just shelling it out, once I have the base of the map in place, then I'll do a refining process to get the level at it's final state :)

  2. Hey all!

    Before I get into why I am here, let me tell you about myself. My real name is Branden, I am 21 Years old, I live in the US, I'm going to get married in May of this year, I am a hard working, dedicated person who gets things done when they are needed.

    Now on to why I am here, well I am interested in becoming a Mapper for the Renegade X Mod, I can do a few things that may prove to be useful. I can Model, I use Maya for this purpose my skill varies depending on what I am working on, When I'm NOT working on something I just fool around with things, when I AM working on something when it's for a purpose, my skill of modeling shines. As far as mapping goes, I've been at mapping for Unreal Tournament since the first UT, not only that but I have also mapped for several other titles Far Cry, Command and Conquer Generals, Lord of the Rings The Battle for Middle Earth. When it comes to mapping, talent really shines here for me. Although I do not have anything to show off at this Point, but if a skills test is needed I can run it. I can also program, I am currently studying Computer Programming through SCI's online courses, I am learning C++ and I have a very basic understanding of Unreal Script.

    I am interested in working for this Mod because of the fact that it aims to revive Command and Conquer Renegade, I played the crap out of this game when it was popular, I am very sorry to hear that this game was not continued with, although I wished it had been and I still wish it to this date.

    Well, thats me and the reason I am here. If I am asked to work for this mod I will be all over it like Monkies on Bananas. I will push my skills to the test to help revive C&CR!

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