Its a "german" pc... thats why my paths a bit differnet.
I launch the game from the Desktop Symbol of Renegade X
"D:\Games\Renegade X\Renegade-X.exe"
Than i get the serverlist etc..........
UT is installed in:
D:\Games\Unreal Tournament 3\Binaries\UT3.exe
Renegade X is installed in:
D:\Games\Renegade X
I think i got the normal 32bit version.
I just have the normal windows firewall, which is "opend" for Renegade X ...
i dont use any other walls and just the normal verion of "antivir" << virus scanner. (no firewall included)
My verion of UT3 is 2.1
My version of Renegade X is now 0.40, i had bevor 0.36...
I will give it a try.
But . do i have to use a "command" in the commandbar? << dunno the english word.
In german its "Ausführen" - there u can write paths like "C:Windows\Temp\" to open this folders quickly...
I just ask couse u wrote: