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Everything posted by diox8tony

  1. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Fuck flame tanks. They are so unbalanced. Hotwire + Mammoth VS 1 flamer. The mammoth loses in 3-5 seconds, with full heals from a hot wire. this is so OP. fix now. We had 3 medium tanks, trying to hit 2 flamers running at us. we got 1 down to half health, and we couldn't run away fast enough(trapped), once that half health flamer caught us, he got 2 of the meds and then he died, while the other flamer cleaned up. fuck that, horrible balance. 3 meds should be able to take out a flamer before he reaches us. because obviously we insta explode once he does reach us(we shouldn't insta explode to flamers). med VS flamer... the med should not have to sprint backwards all the way back to base, all the while hitting the flamer to win 1v1. seriously, was the idea that if a flamer ever catches a vehicle in close range that the other vehicle loses instantly?! no tank should die to a single tank in less than 10 seconds, this was not how Ren was. 1v1 tank fights always lasted 30+ seconds...it's true that a flamer should win if the med is in close range. but the flamer should be low at the end of the fight. and flamer vs mamy,,,,i think the mamy should win, but be low.
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