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About Jam

  • Birthday 02/06/1993

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  1. Jam

    New Forums!

    Great work on the new website, I'm happy that old one finally got an upgrade. The old website was indeed heavily relying on phpBB, mainly because we needed a new website after the old one died. The old forum was also corrupted and we needed to find a solution so took the free phpbb, we'd rather spend the little money we could spend on devs! During old beta tests we verified connecting players by their Steam accounts which was a bit annoying as we had to keep track of random hex strings (Steam IDs), so we came up with a tool where people could link up their forum profile and Steam account to automate this task. The download page was made about 2 hours before we released Black Dawn so we could get an indication of the download numbers and all the devs were on Skype following it which was pretty cool! Lots of phpBB customisations! I believe there were also heaps of references to peanut butter in that old code...
  2. Jam

    3D printing

  3. When I wrote the initial leaderboard page I wrote a small script to help me convert everything. Change the bit after ?url= Output will be:
  4. Bloody hosts sabotaging the magic!
  5. The single-player campaign was released in 2012 on the 29th of January. Read the full release topic here. If you're interested in trying Renegade X: Black Dawn out, your best bet it so check out the bigger torrent websites or IndieDB. Enjoy!
  6. Hey everyone! The Renegade X Community Q&A will return for one more episode very soon, and I need some questions from the community. If you are not familiar with the Renegade X Q&A, please see the video below: (Disclaimer: I'm from the Netherlands, so you may cringe at some pronunciations in the video.) Mpvu58qZw14 One more episode That's right! One more. After this episode I will retire from the Renegade X team to pursue my dream of travelling the world, starting in Australia! Submit questions If you have any questions regarding upcoming releases or anything else Renegade X related, post your question below and - together with the other devs - we'll answer them for you!
  7. Jam


    Good to have you here!
  8. Thank guys. We've adopted reCaptcha to filter out bots and hope this will prove to be effective.
  9. Renegade X - Open Beta 2 is now available! DOWNLOAD HERE: http://renegade-x.com/download Our first post-launch game update is now here and addresses a huge number of changes and fixes! You'll have to download this update manually as the auto-patcher is still in the works. Your game will notify you if it is out of date. This is a full release, not a patch. This is due to a major change in how the game compiles; it will now use much less memory and prevent several game crashes. It is recommended that you uninstall Open Beta 1 before installing Open Beta 2. Check out the complete change list HERE. This is only the beginning and we have many more updates planned for the future which will include new maps, tech buildings, game modes and more! Thank you all for the enormous amount of support and feedback you guys have given us; it keeps us motivated to constantly deliver a more enjoyable experience!
  10. Jam


    you mean that stuff that you put on bread and stuff? Aka God's gift to mankind. Thank you for the signature, I'll wear it with pride.
  11. This is a feature added in the upcoming patch. The server name will show on the scoreboard.
  12. Jam


    Peanutbutter signature, go!
  13. Demo recordings are very small, you may find out for yourself by going in-game and using the recording commands in an offline skirmish game.
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