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  1. That happens all the time in any game I have also disabled steam requirement on server and tested it to make sure it worked thanks to people on Discord
  2. Im in New York and sadly all servers i tried was lagging bad for me
  3. Cronambs

    NEC Server

    Hello name here is Cronambs and i host the NEC server on Renegade X, the server is used to play with own members but we been very busy dealing with personal problems to be playing on it, its free for anyone to use and when free we will get it fully setup Our web page is Nukeclan.com so if any concerns, questions or problems occur be free to let us know Our server is being rented by NFOServers.com and is located in Dallas Taxas
  4. im Cronambs through game ^.^
  5. not all but everything can be viewed on this (including other junk witch im sorry about) http://s120.photobucket.com/albums/o199/cronambs/ http://www.youtube.com/user/Dukenukem155 but all these are animation and drawings, i would like to get into modding a game
  6. Hi im cronambs from tsugaming just wondering if possible i can help out with your project, i've done some 3d modeling so let me know if i help with your current project or your future ones what i've done with 3d modeling thats related to renegade was an orca but never finished logos (and animated) Command center
  7. Hi its me again and recently im working on a project for a new siggy. On the siggy shows multible tanks and air stuff from Origional Renegade game, first air unit i've been working on is the Orca but having problems modeling it somereason as hard to plan how to draw it even though looks quite simple Heres what i've got done so far the question is there a way to view objects and stuff through renegade I have the w3d viewer but how do i get the w3d files from renegade <-thats if thats how to view the objects Or is there any other ways on doing this?
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