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  1. Gigmaster

    a video :)

    "Blasphemy! Standing still is madess!"
  2. Funky . Patterns on those trees look nice.\ Keep us updated!
  3. Gigmaster


    Agreed. They were really hard. But it was, ultimately a minor inconvenience, and not worth mentioning (you know, with most of the dev team spending their precious free hours already fixing the connection and balance bugs). Certiantly not warranting a 'BS,' or a (what did he use again?)... a %^^$#. On reflection, I actually have no idea what that punctuation garble could mean.
  4. QUOTE True . But I'd also like to know what would tickle everyone's funny bone. Perhaps I should'a made this a poll thread... "Got really innappropriate"? How so? I suppose that's why I didn't find it in the old threads?
  5. So, after doing a quick review of the off-topic threads, I'm surprised that there aren't any large community 'lol' threads. On one hand, that's commendable (4chan......). On the other hand, it makes me feel like everyone is being really.... serious. You know? So, what about it? 5 word phrase stories? A central spam thread (to get it out of our systems)? Funny pictures thread? Long cat is loooooooooong?... Well, not LongCat, I guess. But, still, I feel some small amount of supported silliness is needed. Thoughts?
  6. Still a LOT of money. A more legally minded community member could give you some numbers perhaps, but lets just say Renegade X would practically become a standalone, purchasable game, and then a fair bit more, in terms of costs handed down to us. If we were to donate any money, I'd say that we'd be better off donating our time, using our individual skills for helping out the dev team (and maybe giving them some change for Ramen breaks ) I've been playing Field on GDI a lot recently; some ideas that have worked: Mine early. Let everyone know what you're doing, get a grenadier, and C4 / shoot the Harvester for cash. If NOD is rushing out with everything they can onto the tiberium fields, hang a right at the tunnel maze and shoot the airfield tower from the nod enterence (yes, you can do this easily, AND it will split the noddies when they go to protect their harvester). Rack up enough cash for a Hotwire, then go out in a blaze of glory and respawn. First thing you do? Mine, mine , mine. Specifically, mine the tunnels first. Lay down a good 6-9 mines in each, and make sure the sides of the tunnel & middle are covered (I saw a stealth troop take a hit from one mine and waltz past the rest to refinery). This cuts off any nuke advantage that they have, assuming that someone goes through tunnels to check once in a blue moon. Follow up with buildings (this also helps with that flammer rush, for when someone tries to walk into the AGT through a flamer screen). Nuking the NOD refinery is pretty easy cheese. Get an officer and your nuke, get by the nod tunnel exit near the refinery, and squeeze past the tunnel lip up to that first big rock. Hopefully, the obi doesn't see you and charge; if it does, you need to wait about... half a minute, I think? Before it looses the charge. Then cut to the left, and hide under the refinery's side while you plant your nuke. Don't forget that timed C4 :3 ) As for obi, gunner rush is really the best way to go. Send out a techie first to clear tunnels & mine nod's tunnel exit near the obelisk, then attack with 4-5 gunners on the obelisk, while someone else (MRLS or similar) attacks the hand. Nod will usually try to take out the Hand party (after loosing someone to mines), giving the gunners a good chance of killing the obelisk. To be frank though, the gunner rush (I've found) is the only effective way to take out the obelisk on Field. Mammoth's don't work, and APCs don't work, unless you have 3 loaded up. Part of why obelisk rushes are so much harder on Field, I think, is that the path to the OBelisk is narrower than the path to the AGT, and vehicles leave wreckage now. 5 seconds trapped behind the preceeding APC is bad news when you're up against Kane's laser phallus. In summary, you can't just brute force your way on this map as GDI. Nod can, but at the cost of loosing their sneakiness in the tunnels. One other balance issue I was thinking of. I can't recall hitting a mine cap yet. IS there one for proxy mines?
  7. Minnigunners do alllllot of damage. A minnigunner in the field tunnels held off waves of 3 nod basics by himself at range. It was scary. Yes, the Obelisk is terrifying, but I also noticed that the guard tower's machine guns do a LOT more damage than before. You poke your head around the rock = you're dead in 2-3 shots. Though it might be invisible missals.
  8. Oadie1138. Or was it 1130? ... Eh. Something with Oadie in it.
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