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Everything posted by PyRoAcIdK

  1. With the new meta data laws... you never know...
  2. Of course not :). I just want to set up everything from scratch, it's been a while. I am too busy working on networks at work, sometimes it is good to get away. Trying to add to the community
  3. Hi Chronus, I prefer to use my own, stops people in control of another host overriding to get access I used to host this and servers when I co-ran non00bs. Thank you
  4. The issue was caused by my modules.conf configuration of InspIRCd Modules: m_chanprotect and m_halfop were enabled. I disabled and enabled m_customprefix.so, this resolved the issue. I can now see Level 5 commands. Hopefully this helps anyone that has this issue going forward. Thank you Fffreak9999 for all of your help.
  5. My own: irc.pyrohost.com.au Channel #renx and #renx-admin Thank you
  6. Access is denied
  7. Hi, Excellent, in-game is working fine then. !add, I am guessing all level 5 will not work though. Thank you
  8. Hi Fffreak999, Unfortunately that did not work. I have +qo in the IRC channel. Thank you
  9. Hi Team, Is there a list of commands that you can see? I am founder of the channel however; <~PyRoAcIdK> !add -RenX- Access Denied. I've added myself as a in-game mod with level 1337 access, however, I only get Level 4 commands as well Thank you
  10. Hi, Figured it out, starttls was not enabled as a module in InspIRCd. Thank you
  11. Hi, All SSL/SASL is commented out. Any other ideas? I can connect to constructive tyranny Thank you
  12. Would be good, simply just to stop social engineering and or someone impersonating to run your reputation. Hopefully as I get more involved I can start providing more to the community, e.g hosting and other things
  13. Hi, I've set this up to my own InspIRCd, however, I am getting: irc.xx.com NOTICE Auth :*** Looking up your hostname... :irc.xx.com NOTICE Auth :*** Could not resolve your hostname: Domain name not found; using your IP address (x.x.x.x) instead. ERROR :Closing link: (unknown@x.x.x.x) [Registration timeout] I have anope connecting to it and I can access via mIRC from multiple locations Thank you
  14. Hi, That still doesn't stop someone else from using the name does it? Thank you
  15. Hi team, Is there any thoughts on having a nickname registration system? Thanks
  16. Hi Team, I am trying to install RenX for my server on Windows 10. It installs RenX then goes to the UE3 and fails: Unable to download the UE3 Redist (Corrupt Download). Anyone experienced it? Thank you
  17. Hi Team, Is anyone else having issues where the bot seems to disconnect (or possibly lag out) and then not come back? (Version 0.6.1, i only just updated) Also insignificant but !version still reports 0.7 not 0.7.1 Thanks
  18. Really depends... the process of placement / landscape painting is relatively fast if you have a good selection of models, textures and materials to work with. You can get a map up and running within a few days. If you want specific materials and special effects you'll have to create those yourself usually. Lighting idem but you'll have to tweak and wait a lot for lighting compiles. After that polish phase is endless... new bugs crop up, custom materials and collisions will have to be made, fixes here, fixes there. AI will have to be setup too, fortunately that is a relatively simple process but you'll spend a good day making exceptions and getting the correct nodes in. In general though, creating maps for RX is a lot faster now since we've built up a library of stuff... when we just started you have to take modeling and everything that comes with it into account since our artists had to do basically everything. Yeah I can imagine all of the bug and collision stuff taking forever especially if your one for detail. Amazing work guys, can't believe how amazingly awesome this is already and its still ages from completion!
  19. The problem isn't just with the server, it's with the clients. Each client needs to know where the other clients are and tanks, etc, it would be too laggy for people, let alone would there be enough space on the maps?
  20. No problem
  21. Have you setup port forwarding on your modem to forward port 7777 traffic to your local computer? You also need to ensure you have allowed the traffic in your firewall which may have different settings for local and internet connections
  22. Thanks
  23. Hi Agent, Is there anyway that you can make an option so team chat is in admin only? Someone can see what the other team is doing if they are in the channel as well. Thanks
  24. PyRoAcIdK

    New Update?

    People only seem to want to play in EU servers, I hate it because I'm in Australia and the ping is like 400 I setup a US server (PYROHOST AOW) and no-one ever joins it?
  25. Password issue confirmed fixed
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