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Everything posted by SoQLiGhTy

  1. Sakura Chopp3r FtWSIR
  2. Even more gg... i am taking out my current 512 and putting 2 kingstons 1GB ddr2 in thar..
  3. i upo grade my ram to 1,50 Gb and now i got a new videocard X1650 PRO 512 mb GG
  4. cool ty... i am playing on buying new video card and ram anywayz so thats g00d
  5. Hi i am danny i have being playing renegade for 3 years bst game ever tbh.. i play on cw.cc 1. Do you have to buy ren2007 when it comes out or download? 2. Will my pc beable to play it PC specs P4 2,8 512 MB RAM 120 GB HARDDRIVE ATI RADEON 9200 SE 128 MB kTY
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