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Everything posted by BiZoELiTe

  1. Hey guys, Was wondering if most of the active players are from NA or EU? I've use to play this game back in the days when I was in Germany. Went by the name of BiZoELiTe, KiLLaZLuV or JRusiK. I use to play for the clan "H2O" with Whiskey and IsItInYou. Use to do alot of clanwars, which made this game very fun! I use to compete in www.Clanwars.cc back in the days. So, thought about coming back since I see the community is pretty ACTIVE. Do people still do clanwars in this game as well? Would appreciate the answers! Thanks
  2. sound good. i'll be there for sure
  3. if someone can clarify the time for these pugs, we'll gladly appreciate it. Start trying to get the competitive scene back on renegade. i really missed the competitiveness in renegade back in the days. was really really fun!
  4. ah ok. yea, i was on yesterday but no pugs lol, was going hardcore on renegade x on CT server. just let me know. i'm down to do some good ol` scrims
  5. so there is a pug tonight? i actually was on 4 PM central and no one was on lol
  6. ah sure. i'll be there. down to play some renegade with some ppl clanwars style!!
  7. hit me up. i'm down to play some renegade!!!
  8. Long time hardcore competitive player when CNC renegade first came out!! any oldschool players still playing the game? hows the clanwars? yall still do clanwars.cc???
  9. idk lmao i downloaded from all 3 usa servers and got 2.0 gb. the german server is 2.2 gb. its working it seems lmao
  10. humm the file size changed from 2.0 gb to 2.2 gb.... hopefully this is the fix lol
  11. lol ok. imma give it a shot
  12. yea i've done all the USA servers and retrying again all 3 lol still. "Extraction failed" "file is corrupted"
  13. hummm i've redownloaded 4 times already lol but i'll keep trying
  14. HI, I've use to play renegade back in the days hardcore. Seen that yall brought the game back and wanted to give it a shot again. I've download the game beta 5, but when i open it, i get "file is corrupted" Is everyone getting this, or is there a fix? Really appreciate the help!!
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