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About Mike

  • Birthday 03/21/1991

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Newbie (1/14)



  1. G5>all. HEY TD
  2. That guy is not a cw.cc person..just some retard that probably played a few clanwars here and there and thinks he's better than everyone else because of it. I've seen him post @ cw.cc here and there..kind of a homo. USER WAS WARNED FOR THIS POST
  3. Good stuff..Under's crazy.
  4. Mike

    Free Targetting

    Good to hear. Thank you
  5. In Renegade, you can freely move your reticle where you want (default key for this is 'V' , instead of it just sitting the middle of your screen. Is that going to be an option in Renegade X? I think it's a big part of the game, I use it a lot...especially when sniping. Also the "Lock Vehicle Camera To Turret" im assuming will still be available? Sorry if these are answered somewhere else, I just haven't seen it anywhere yet.
  6. Mike

    Sniper mod?

    Yea I noticed just by the video the soldier ran a bit faster. Infantry is what im best at in Renegade anyway and I think speeding up the pace would be a good thing.
  7. Mike

    Sniper mod?

    Alright sounds good. I'm more excited for the regular 'AOW' part of the game anyway. I've never played any of the UT's, so im not exactly sure what they're gameplay is like, but judging by the videos you've guys have released it seems to be similar to Renegade's.
  8. Mike

    Sniper mod?

    First of all, the game looks absolutely superb and I am in great anticipation for this mod. Secondly, sniper servers were (and still are) very popular in Renegade multiplayer. I was wondering if the same possibility for sniper servers would be included with this mod. And if so, what changes would there be to it (realizing that some of the movements that the players could perform were quite unrealistic actually seemed to make it fun).
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