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  1. I was able to install with bottles with the gaming option. The important thing I did was to put the Installer inside the empty prefix first, and then run it. Also these are the dependencies it installed: d3dx9 msls31 arial32 times32 courie32 d3dcompiler_43 d3dcompiler_47 mono gecko Settings: Runner: sys-wine-9.0 DXVK: dxvk-2.5.3 VKD3D: vkd3d-proton-2.14.1 DXVK NVAPI: dxvk-nvapi-v0.8.0 Synchonization: Fsync Windows: Windows 10 I think it configured the settings by itself, but don't remember I tried the soda runner and it ran the game, but I couldn't quit the game without force quitting. Also, I used this guide to import the game to Steam https://www.reddit.com/r/SteamDeck/comments/xaysrh/install_nonsteam_game_via_bottles_and_add_custom/
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