I need to start this with saying, this is one of my all-time favorite games. The dev's have done an amazing job and recreated that old school Renegade feeling.
For that reason, is why I am here today.
Lately the games have been for a lack of better terms, shit. I do not believe the dev's are at fault here, but the community who play the game. Over the last month give or take, it seems like there has been a reoccurring mindset. Stack one side and completely steam roll the other team. I'll be the first to admit I'm guilty of this mentality myself. Unfortunately, there are a handful of Veterans who will Team change as soon as their side starts losing. Destroying whatever team balance is currently in place.
Today (1/11/2025) There was not a single balanced game all day. Which will potentially hurt the player base down the road. Imagine you're a first-time player logging into a morning field game and have an absolute blast! Then for the rest of the day you're consistently on the losing team due to team changing and no player mash-up. You're going to be disappointed and bummed out and never load up the game again. At this point I don't think the community itself cares about that fact because let's be honest the current RenX community is slightly toxic.
I do have a couple of ideas on how to potentially balance things out in the future.
-In-Game mods being the FIRST ones to team change to try to balance out the game.
-Make the in-game balancer worth it to do, currently when one team is losing the balancer will offer between 250-750 additional creds (based on amount of time if I'm not mistaken) for someone to team change.
Perhaps turn that into 1250-1750 additional creds for Team changing at an earlier time, rather than later.
-Consider offering VP for a team change.
"Hey thanks for the Team change, here is 50 additional VP"
This one is pretty extreme.
-Remove Team Change altogether. Clearly the game has a way to determine who goes to what team, Remove that temptation all together. RenX players will continue to exploit it.
Some would argue, "How can we play with friends if we can't get on the same team?" Perhaps a "Squad up" feature in the launcher, or main menu.
Nobody likes to lose, but at the same time we need to understand that not every game is going to be a win.
*** I Opened this thread in hopes that others will add their ideas to create a better community for all of us, so please if there's something you have been thinking about, team balance wise please post it here :)