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  1. Ah.. playing against hard AI... those were the days....
  2. Def not dead. A server fills up each day and can be full for hours. But on off times it will be quite empty. But I think a lot of folks no longer offer up input in forums because the Developers are thought to be too busy with Firestorm. It just feels like throwing suggestions into a void lately.
  3. Looked into it. Interesting. Are you going to try it out? If so please share your experience.
  4. Have we ever played with the idea of the Nod Harvy having some Stealthy ability. Particularly when rolling but not when gathering. When I floated the idea in game, Null put out the idea of tying the ability to a silo. Just another crazy idea i suppose.....
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  5. In the game I heard someone mention there was something posted about Cities map, but I am not seeing anything. Did a Cities Teaser go out?
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