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Posts posted by death225

  1. Would it be possible for you guys to get a pre-mod mapping pack consisting of the world models and maybe a few textures to play around with so the community can get a jump start on making a few extra maps for this mod when its finaly released? I myself have done some basic mapping on the quake and source engine. It does not even have to be the actual models maybe just something we can throw in the world to represent them? That is if you guys have the mapping program or something convertable to the UT3 engine.

  2. Ya that first version really sucked. All the servers lagged. Haven't played it lately since there haven't been any updates for a while but last time I played the game still had its bugs though theres less of them and I think they even started a few scrims between clans. If you guys can get something like this up with good smooth performance it would make for an awsome C&C mod. And about the noobs being commander, they don't usually want to jump in for those other two games and if they do people will eject the comm if he's really that bad.

  3. Ive been hoping for years that someone would finaly bring this idea up. Having found Ren2007 brings hope once again. Have any of you ever played Natural-Selection mod for half-life or maybe the empires-mod for halflife2? Both have a commander with the look down view. Both are great RTS FPS games. Adding this commander feature would most definitly bring this mod the attention it needs.

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