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Posts posted by Waraddict

  1. I've had some concerns about asymmetry but also keeping things in line with the faction style too. A gunship or large alien aircraft doesn't quite fit in, for me I feel it sort of moves into GDI's large unit and strong aircraft space.

    In the end though I trust the team to pick something that the majority will be happy with, it's tricky to come up with a Nod epic unit that balances with the GDI Mk II.

    My best attempt to come up with something else would be a reinterpreted Fist of Nod. Unlike the original firestorm version, it would have the capability to travel underground and players (perhaps a max of three), can hop into it, prebuild their vehicle and shoot their vehicles weapon out of the FoN while they are still inside. 

    Deployment of the FoN allows them to exit their prebuilt vehicle and also gives the whole team standard warfactory functionality.

    Its not meant to go up against the mkII but it should give Nod similar late game power against GDI.

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