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Posts posted by stopdropkiller

  1. On 3/21/2021 at 12:12 AM, mouse705 said:

    Except this goes higher than a Mod issue. It's a Dev issue because this game allows griefing. Until that is fixed, the mods are overwhelmed with issues, or theyre afk (due to low community health, which is also a dev issue, not a mod issue).

    1. Too easy to change nick to grief. I recognize those names and noticed they change nicks. Saw them grief/spam votes on another day. We can take screenshots, but they can change nick. Not saying to change this, but pointing out how easy 2 and below are, because of nick change.
    2. Kick vote without needing to give a reason. Does the server log kick votes, who started them, and why? If the why isnt there, then how can I mod check if kick is being abused? Until then it's a dev issue.  Kick vote needs a list to finalize: kick for: griefing, afk, team sabotage, etc. (Then the kickee knows the accusation and can quickly say "no im not afk" or "no I didnt do x.")
    3. Kick vote with no cooldown = dev issue. OP explained how he was kicked many times on a public server. This is possible because of griefers. So what if Mod is asleep? = dev issue if game doesnt have counters for griefing 24/7.
    4. There is no set rule for whether players can nuke when less than 12 players. So there's always going to be 1) arguments or 2) new players join and dont know the agreement = angry players or griefers.
    5. Spamming map-change votes and fake map change votes to distract/waste time.
    6. Do all the server mods still post here? How do we contact them? The issue is this community is so old, some leave, others join - that theres a void of information of how to report things, to who, where.

    Im not blaming devs for their progress and still needing to refine things. But I am saying it's a dev issue that only devs can fix - when it's possible for 100 people to grief per day, more than a mod can address in time. Everyday I play, I also see bored griefers spamming the survey vote as a distraction.

    • Survey votes should be team only, to reduce incentive to grief - or else a genuine reason to team kick.
    • Map-change votes should be disabled for X minutes upon loading a new map. Everyday someone votes to change the map to grief, after a vote was already made. This is in a 64 full server with people waiting to get in. So if one doesn't like a map, they need to leave, not force 63 players and the server to waste resources to load another map.

    I am Stopdropkiller, the reason why we continued to kick Hicks was because me and a friend were playing 1v1 since I am new to the game in a empty server.  Hicks continued to rush the base with Humvees and played as the Scientist dude and continued to rush base and take down structures when my friend cuckroachking and I were playing peacefully and testing out controls/characters/vehicles.  That fact that Mouse705 is flagrantly lying about us being griefers for having seen us both when it was literally my first day playing the game is laughable.  What Hicks also does not say is how he would literally come in and try to base rush again after being kicked when we asked him to not to.  For a time he did not join but then got another person/friend to join the server and immediately proceeded to taunt about how he could not be kicked now that he had an ally.  Unfortunately my game then crashed on map change and I haven't played since.  I'm glad Hicks gets to portray himself as the victim but I find myself not wishing to come back to the game after not only he but this Mouse guy also claims falsehoods, maybe it's the toxic people like you two that the community suffers. This will most likely be my one and only post let alone foray into the game, hope you enjoy your future games.

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