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Posts posted by DevilofEchoes

  1. squads=yes! commander=no!; i like the idea of running around in an actual coherent group of people; sometimes the "ffa-ish-ness"(free for all) bugs the crap outta me; there are times where i like it and other times where id like tactics being used,instead of everyone just running all willy nilly. its mostly just the infantry cause the vehicles mostly force you to work together as a team.

    and not everyone has to hop into a squad if they dont want to, but the ones that do at least we will have established a "common" goal. and some squads will do like an "unofficial" leader (as he just says the goal; no offical leadership recognition required), that tells them what theyre going after, some squads will just democratically chat vote real fast, and other squads will just suck horribly awful and everyone will die. and if you disagree with the squads goal then voice it and say why with good reason, or just dont be in that particular one, or dont be in one at all. lol. i know there are times where i am soloing, like yesterday where i held down the entire nod base with a single mammy on islands for 10 minutes while the 8 people on nod kept trying to rush my tank on the airstrip. lolz. was a good fight. i had like 15%hp left at the end.

    about the only teamwork communication i hear is when says mammy/flame tanks rush go go go. lol. and everyones already in mammys and/or flame tanks. and the people that do squads may streamline their tasks within a squad, becoming more effective, engineers will go straight for demo-ing a building when we rush it while the others kill the infantry or hold off the vehicles. other people get to volunteer suicide runs. as the obelisk can only shoot so many people within the 15 or less seconds it takes to get in a building. i know ive voluntarily jumped on landmines for others. xD the point of the squad is not for them all to survive but to accomplish their goal through teamwork, surviving is just a bonus.

    *and sorry for bumping an old thread. =/ but i was afraid if i made a new topic, id get lambasted for there already being one. and i did see other threads about squads but this one seemed the most relevant to my little shindig. :S

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