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Everything posted by SamusAran

  1. It isn't a false accusation. I wasn't referring to one person in particular; it is hard to keep track of who is who as there so many players with a variant of "YEET" in their name. But the most toxic behaviour/racism/team hampering comes from players who have jumped on the "YEET" bandwagon. Several players have been saying the same thing for weeks now. It needs to stop.
  2. I have been getting griefed by Fishyshoe and several other players (using some variation of YEET in their name) for nearly a week now. I ignored it for a few days but it has been becoming progressively worse. Deliberately blocking my tanks/pushing me into enemies. Voting to kick me for being 'AFK' when clearly not AFK (and usually amongst the top players). Voting to remove me as commander for no reason other than to wind me up, when the team has been doing well. They say shit to me all of the time in my pms and in global chat, and then when I say anything back they vote to kick me for being 'toxic', when THEY are instigating. I snapped last night and for that I apologise, but these people have been doing this for days on end and I am SICK of it. It has ruined my experience with this game and I'm done.
  3. "I deliberately wound a player up for several days and now I'm sad and angry because he said a few mean words to me. Mods, please ban... please please please! :("
  4. Fishyshoe, you have been trolling me for several days now alongside the YEET clan who still have had no action taken against them. As soon as somebody retaliates against you, you cry like a whiny bitch. You have unironically taken to the forums to complain that I jokingly said that repairing was worthless after you had claimed you were better than me. It was said in jest. And you took it to heart, demonstrating that you are, in fact, a little bit spergy. Go and fuck yourself. I've had enough of this game and this community. There is a band of players (YEETs) who consistently use racial slurs, refer to the Holocaust and Jews in a negative manner etc and not once have any of them been muted or banned. I retaliate after being trolled continuously for the best part of a week and slapped with a permanent mute and ban.
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