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Everything posted by Fercurix

  1. Found this in last saturdays PuG. Tried to replicate it in skirmish. In the tibcave, backside (bunker side) On GDI side where the bunker used to be the pathing doesnt line up with the texture on the tiberium. Was floating with MRLS in the PuG (cant seem to upload img on the forum)
  2. To be fair, SSD doesnt even give a loading screen ... A tutorials tab or guide in the menu can make a lot of differance aswell.
  3. Lasermining would lets say even a playingfield a bit imo. Could do this in base for example with limited ammount. Like Islands and Reservoir, where this is near base and or defences. But to prevent abuse, some sort of cooldown perhaps? And the payout not too much, just so it can give you that extra 150 you need for something? Also make this part of the engineer so it cannot be used agressively. I'm against repairing for credits simply, because repairs would actually have costs to it and that is already not the case. Or make VP some sort of currency needed to buy special items, idk. And as I noticed someone mention other Tiberium forms. Remmember this is the Dawn era transitioning to Sun, nerw strains were not evolved/discovered yet. As for that beeing in FS, I noticed in the last Dev talk there were tib veins. IF chemical missiles and harvs would need this ingame and GDI needed some other resource for special weapons, that would be a lvl up imo. Work as a team for an outpost clearing WMD of sorts on say team objectives. But thats another thing. That said, team objective missions could also award credits in RenX. IF X amount of harvs is destroyed, the next one that gets defneded drops of some more?
  4. So had a few games now where the deathcam sometimes switches team briefly and I ended up seeing interior of opposite teams buildings. Happens randomly, had it on Outposts and Lakeside, maybe other maps but those 2 stood out. Not that much of an issue but I was able to call 2 gathering rushes because of this yesterday and I don't think that should be possible .
  5. I always see a lot op people complaining when certain maps have been voted on and instantly wanting to change the map. Regardless of the team balances or advantages. New players hardly get to even try the maps and in many cases where the gameplay is somewhat differant from the backdoor rushes, most of the times maps get voted away. A lot of maps go underratted because of this. I like Walls, but i'm sometimes so sick of it. I like Arctic, field(+x) and al the original classic maps. But I also like variation. I like how Steppe has a huge tibfield only vehicles can acces. The downside of Steppe is the long traveltimes everywhere else, causing it to be voted off most of the times. But I still like it. I espcially like toxicity because it usually breaks the regulair boring linear basecamp gameplay, but because of its differance and many passages, it gets voted off to change map most of the time. The point is, variety doesn't hurt. Is it possible to maybe optimise rotations according to server populations? Like Walls, Oasis, Under etc with low and fieldx, Outposts, Eyes with higher populations? This way the underplayed maps have a better change of beeing played I think. When RenX hits mainstream, servers could be filtered by maps with base defences, powerplant etc to fit certain player preferances. But yeah thats long term thinking. I think it is also important to analyse WHY the unpopulair maps are unpopulair.
  6. As with all good things, take your time! Prefer a good experiance and fun gameplay over a RenX reskin anyday. Welcome to C&C Battlefield =D (not to discredit you guys, but imagine this takes off and EA spots its potential to make a full scale C&C Battlefield crossover....holy fk)
  7. Searched the forum for this a bit. Maybe no wel enough but here it goes. When I started RenX the 1st thing that actually really bothered me, especially on the newer Ren X maps is that when opening the map menu, I spent a lot of time finding myself is the littered bunch of blinking dots. The green is not easy to see. Now its les of an issue when I am familiar with a map I know where to look. But this might be frustrating to new players, and will still be anoying on newer map releases. Anyway to make this more clear? Like with a view direction added to your own dot? Like Battlefield for example. What do you guys think?
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