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Phase 5 Beta Testers
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Posts posted by CatGirls420

  1. On 2/7/2021 at 3:29 PM, isupreme said:

    Can you describe in general what this does?

    It overrides various visual settings and adds some new ones to the game :)

    On 2/9/2021 at 6:57 PM, RustyShackleford said:

    @CatGirls420do you seriously expect that we would download some random files form a github page?

    Well I did and it's amazing!  I'm serious! @Havoc89 get in here.

    So the actual product is https://reshade.me/ 

    I downloaded the installer from that website instead of building my own from github

    Once installed you can literally customize the RenX post processor by adding custom textures or shaders and it works flawlessly.

    I was able to turn my RenX into a CRT !

    The second screenshot is my standard setup without ReShade

    The third screenshot (the darker one) is with Curves.FX enabled in ReShade. I think it looks much better. It removes the grayish tint over the original.

    Now I'm just trying to figure out how to make use this to over-ride fogdensity 0 @poi can you share your settings pretty please.






    If you want to see how my game looks, you'll have to use the version I mentioned. I'm glad your enjoying ReShade though! Any thoughts on the preset I made?
    p.s. I provided the specific file to install, via the google drive link I posted.

    On 2/9/2021 at 7:11 PM, roweboat said:

    I've always wanted Renx CRT mode. Thank you. brings me back to 1997.😅


    • Thanks 1
  2. This is a program with a preset configuration .ini file, to enhance the visuals/change the visuals of the game. It adds effects and overrides other ingame effects!


    Must use reshade version


    To install ReShade, download it from https://github.com/crosire/reshade

    Google drive link in case you can't find it. https://drive.google.com/file/d/19ki2lktA3ye_SdaVt1m7D6lHyBi_vbNT/view?usp=sharing

    - Run the reshade file that you downloaded
    - Select Game
    - Navigate to your installation folder for RenX or RenX FS
    - Navigate to the binaries folder
    - Open the folder for the one you use, 32 or 64 bit
    - Select the UDK.exe and install
    - Download all the shaders (click every check box on) (im too lazy to tell you specific ones lol sorry)
    - Once it's installed, place the reshade ini I gave you in the same place you installed reshade
    - Once ingame, reshade should be working
    - Press Home key to open the menu
    - Up at the top you should be able to select presets
    - Select renx7.ini (or any ini preset)
    - Voila!




    This is my personal taste, you can edit the preset ingame to your liking. Some people find it too sharp, I think it's fine the way it is. To each their own :)

  3. Hello!

    I am applying since a lot of people seemed to like what I did with ReShade for this game. Not everyone liked it, but that was to be expected.

    I've been a fan since the game's inception, though I took a break for several years and came back to see how much it progressed, and I love it. I don't remember my old username though.

    As an aesthete and someone who creates different visuals via varying methods for a handful of games, and with terrain/map making experience for older games, both FPS and RTS, I'd like to help out with the graphical sector of the game.

    I can help create entire maps but I would prefer to work on colors, lighting, ect, as well as optimize, "improve" and/or create some effects.

    I favor a more realistic and natural look (as shown in my ReShade preset) but I can also follow the aesthetic flow that the game offers. I love the vanilla look of the game, but as I said, my personal taste just feels it's a bit too far from the natural look that I like.

    Unfortunately I've lost a lot of the work I've created over the years, mostly due to a hard drive failure, but if you want to check out the little bit that still exists, here are some links.

    An ENB for Skyrim:



    3D characters and other stuff for Skyrim:


    RenX with my ReShade (more videos to come, didn't back up the other ones):



    • Like 1
  4. Honestly, the game is fun no matter what you/we are doing.

    I do really enjoy NvN but something GvG would be interesting to see as well.

    I feel like NvG is an excellent contrast between brute force (GDI) and cunning and wit (Nod). Whereas NvN has a nice display of cunning and wit from both sides. GvG I predict would be a huge power show, pounding each other hard with GDI's strong arsenal.

    The sniper mode that Sarah brought back is hella fun too.

    At the end of the day, I don't think adding new modes could possibly hurt anything, so maybe just take that dive straight into this ocean of potential ;)

    Keep up the good work! ❤️


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