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  1. djs3xy

    Hello all

    hey, you can im me djs3xy@hotmail.com . Dj dosnt play anymore games sadly, hes off vacationing around the world for now! I want to get another server up. Well as soon as Renegade-X is ready . Here is what I've been up to http://www.totalbody-solutions.com
  2. djs3xy

    Hello all

    I dont know if anyone remembers me on this forums. I use to play old renegade for about 5 years and owned the Server and for eXile [Xil] clan. If anyone remembers Dj's Flaming APC Server. Where everyone was putting 50 timed mines on APC's and blowing up vehicles. Man those were the days! Anyways, I just wanted to touch basis with anyone from the old C&C Renegade, see if anyone is still around. Thanks for reading, cant wait to get a server going for Renegade-X! :lol:
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