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Posts posted by spellman23

  1. QUOTE (maty @ Nov 9 2009, 04:10 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
    Actually, 3D IS supported by Renegade-X.

    NVidia provide 3D drivers that operate based on a pre-registered .EXE list.

    As RenX uses UT3.exe, and UT3 is supported, 3D is supported.


    Proof you can play RenX in 3D:


    If you have red-cyan glasses you can see it right now! I can do any colour scheme if you have different filters :) .[/b]

    Shiny. Too bad I don't have money to blow on a 3D system.
  2. QUOTE (R315r4z0r @ Jul 24 2009, 02:50 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
    Maps are made previously set up for each team to play in their pre-designed locations. For there to be mirror matches, three different versions of each map would need to be made (4 if you want to add in the ability to swap team locations)

    You would need:
    1. GDI vs Nod version of the map
    2. Nod vs GDI version (swapped locations) of the map
    3. GDI vs GDI version of the map
    4. Nod vs Nod version of the map

    I think it would take too much work for one map.. but hey, I'm not on the dev team so I don't know what they would consider to be too much work.[/b]

    Can't they just code it to swap entities? That is, the building entities simply have a flag that says which team they belong to, and depending on what that flag is set to you get a different model, belong to different team, etc.

    QUOTE (R315r4z0r @ Jul 30 2009, 08:31 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
    What's the limit to the limit?

    Err.. what's the maximum amount of vehicles a host can allow in their server? Is there one?[/b]

    I imagine it's whatever the current Engine can handle. Hopefully rigorous testing will reveal where the limit is. I know that in Empires the server gets really bogged down at around 24 vehicles total, so they capped it to 12 per team. Of course, the server could have this set to a lower limit if they want to emphasize infantry combat or they don't have the hardware to support more vehicles. Vehicles are really resource consuming in Source Engine, not as much in UT3.
  3. Frankly, I like the newer approach. More techy, shinier, gives better representation of the data.

    However, it can blend in with the background too easily. Unless the HUD itself has contrasting colors (see R315r4z0r's post) it can and will blend into something.

    So, we need either contrasting colors or some way to differentiate it from the background, such as the Gaussian Blur suggested several posts pack.

  4. QUOTE (Mighty BOB! @ Jun 1 2009, 06:52 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
    Suggestions for fixes:
    *Reduce transparency. I'm not saying get rid of it, but make the HUD more solid than it is currently.
    *USE MORE THAN ONE COLOR. Health should be represented in the traditional trifecta of G-Y-R. Use different colors to highlight different functions. For example, if the HUD were more solid instead of a projection from the aether, more grays and blacks could be used. The mine count could be given a goldenrod back-tint since mines have a yellow texture. Time remaining, compass direction, and Credits could be white as they are more arbitrary values than something solid like the number of mines or vehicle count. The actual icons for these like the little mine image or tank image could be presented as solid more detailed images. Colors used within graphics, backgrounds, and elements are meant to enhance the look of the interface, not to take over the interface.
    *Make use of highlights and shadows.
    *Reduce saturation of transparent areas leaving saturation for important details that should quickly draw the user's eye.
    *Increase contrast ratio between different HUD elements (and between the HUD and the actual terrain, possibly via a darker background or shadow under the HUD) so it doesn't blend together.
    *Make use of basic Color Theory: analogous, complementary, split-complementary, triadic color schemes; luminance/value scale (a measurement of how much light is being reflected from a hue; tint/shade); tone scale (A tone is a hue that has had grey added to it. A tone can also be a hue with a large percentage of its complementary color added. ).[/b]

    Hm, it's almost like this guy has taken an actual UI class.

    I agree completely. Also, some of the text could be larger or make sure it scale dynamically with screen resolution. There's nothing worse than unreadable text because the UI person forgot to scale it up.
  5. QUOTE (Mr. Weedy @ Jul 31 2009, 08:49 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
    By UI do you mean HUD?

    If you mean HUD you could try Nesquiko's (aka Daruck's) custom HUD. It's semi-transparent, a bit more simplified and stylished but it's too black and white for my liking.[/b]

    No, I mean User Interface in general.

    The HUD is annoying. The Voice Menu has too many layers. The Vehicle Construction GUI doesn't tell you if you're missing an engine or armor (and just doesn't let you build, frustrating new players). The key bindings to open the squad, class, and spawn menus aren't clearly labeled in-game. The class/skill/equipment selection system is getting better (they made it easier to tell when you have equipment choices), but is still a hassle to navigate. The tech tree isn't easy to learn and navigate.
  6. I think some kinda of super meta game would be cool.

    However, I'm unsure about trying to cram a huge number of rounds into a small timeframe. This would make campaigns require dedicated time if you wanted to see it through to the end.

    Instead, what about a kinda of global game that occurs over a few days. Several servers host a particular viable battleground. Players are registered to a central system on which side they've signed up for this "set". Games are played out on the different servers (adjusted # of servers based on number of players signed up and number currently playing). Enough wins over a certain period of time on a server triggers that one side has won the territory. Central map changes (hosted on a website somewhere) and new regions open up, maybe special unique powers, etc.

    In this system, you can always have casuals come in and out and a "set" could take over a week, allowing people of different time zones to help out. However, if you set the # of victories to a lower number, you can have tight fast-paced single team matches where people may have to really plan how to allocate their players to keep the territories they want.

    The tricky part is determining which territories to fight over. If you have a top level commander, if they win a territory they get to choose the next offensive. However, if they don't respond in a certain amount of time, that territory is opened up again for counter attack by the enemy commander to try and take it back. A strategic choice is then made to temporarily shore up other regions before opening up a new front.

    Oh, and to prevent one player from being everywhere, there'd have to be a system that forces players to wait a set amount of time before they can re-enter a territory. That way, you can't instantly shift 10 players from one territory to the other, you'll have to have them "in transit" for a while.

    This may be over complex, but in my mind a decent way to keep this manageable and to let the casual players enjoy it, not just the pro clans.

  7. QUOTE (Mr. Weedy @ Jul 30 2009, 10:29 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
    Nah... Don't expect much from Empires.

    If the mod stays as it is with average balance, you should be thankful.

    If the mod gets a new release which makes it more shit, you should be still thankful because it's a sign that devs actually are still working on the mod.

    If the mod gets a new release which actually is good release, that is just pure randomness and won't happen again.

    So yeah, basically Empires development has slowed down to almost a halt and all the updates are more or less bad, usually. So don't expect any big updates from the devs, expect maybe aircrafts and scout rifle to scout shotgun update...[/b]


    I'm on the forums quite a bit, and yeah it feels quagmired. The two good devs that I interacted with and who made some nice improvements have left. =[ I rarely even play it now., the UI hurts too much.

    Ironically, the tech balance has somehow managed to have a semblance of balance. Too bad the classes are still blargh, not enough commanders, and the learning curve is stupified by bad UI.
  8. That was a sweet news update.

    the bounding box system looks pretty nice. A little glitchy at times, but really helps out, especially if you're covered in flames.

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