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Everything posted by Fiend2k

  1. That's EXACTLY what I was talking about! Awesome!
  2. Hey all, I'm new to the forums, I heard about this project a little over a year ago, and finally decided to join the forums, as the site is currently down ... While, I do believe that Renegade-X should be kept very similar to the original, I've always had a problem with the grenade launcher... It takes a lot of skill to use the grenade launcher accurately, and I can deal with that, but I never liked the lack of versatility: You have to be really good to kill someone with it, and even more so in a confined space. Either way, I just though it would be cool for the grenade launcher to have a secondary fire: Something similar to the secondary fire for the rocket launcher in Unreal Tournament, where instead of firing, it kind of 'chucks' it, bounces forward a distance, and then detonates. Just an idea. -Fiend Come to think of it, hand grenades in Renegade would be cool too, but then again, it could really overly-effect gameplay, and It'd probably feel a little to much like CS:S. Smoke grenades though.... Eeehh, I'll shut up.
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