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  1. Kirik516

    11 Years Strong

    11 years of success.
  2. Donates are objected by EA.But we can make advertisement at YouTube. However it is not easy. I tried contact several channels, and I was rejected.
  3. Did you try to click "Cansel"? The game gives me the same message befor main menu, but I just click "Cansel" and it keep going.
  4. No one argue with that. It was just funny highlight.
  5. 2016. Does it change something? RenX came in 2014.
  6. It seems that these guys didn't understand this is RenX forum. They thought this is classic Ren.
  7. And spread the game around the world.
  8. It is addon for RenX and will be available as new game mode. As you know now you can choose C&C, deathmatch or survival modes. So Firestorm will add Tiberian Sun mode in the game modes combo box (the drop-down menu).
  9. Did you see this? There is jump-jet infantry. You can fight as real GDI special forces.
  10. Guys, do you keep current models of TS tanks and cars for classic RenX mode? Or may be make option to use this models for classic RenX?
  11. Not such positive as Firestorm trailer. Just look at this jet infantry.
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