Hi folks,
So just came across this stickied thread, and thought I'd pop in and ask:
Are you guys still looking for artists, if so, I would gladly lend a hand if I can.
I'm a veteran 3D Artist, specializing in weapons, vehicles and almost all things mechanical and hard surface related. My organic character skills require work though , however if you need a custom high quality sci-fi weapon or vehicle, or even a mechanical character I can help, I have experience with every generation Unreal Engine, UE1 all the way to UE4, Gamebryo/Creation engine, unity, and Source engine.
You can visit my website for most of my work, ranging from still renders, to videos, animations, game mods, web interactive models and plenty more.
At the moment my internet connection is a bit limited, but I'll be glad to help where ever I can.
Kind regards https://xelusprime.wixsite.com/ettiennevorster