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Everything posted by RoCkStar256

  1. Im a huge fan of Tiberian Sun and Firestorm. Really love how mod looks like, especially Stealth Tanks and Wolverines but...Tick Tank does look bad guys. It looks like poop lol. Why it can't look similar to original one ? https://brotherhood-of-nod.fandom.com/wiki/Tick_Tank
  2. Some good news. Although Ren X is way too jumpy compared to renegade, just my view
  3. Firstly, i really love the fact that You folks are making Renegade X mod of a Tiberian Sun. Tiberian Sun have been alway smy favourite game along with Renegade. Great work with Renegade X. I havent had played a long time since i play mainly Renegade at MPF, RenCorner or Exodus. Whats my point. Tiberian sun did lack of one basic infantry unit each side. In Tiberian dawn we have Minigunner (Light infantry good vs Infantry) , Grenadier/Flamethrower (good against infantry and structures) Rocket Soldier ( Good against vechicles and structures) . It added depth to game and counter system. Well Tiberian sun lacks of it. Just like renegade got shotgunner , officer for both sides or other infantry characters. I do believe it is obligatory to add one more basic unit into Your mod to make infantry fights a little more better. My point is that Nod has no anti infatry unit like Disc Thrower where Gdi has no Anti tank unit like nod Rocket dude. I believe it would be a great idea to add flamethrower infantry for nod as a anti structure and anti infantry role just like adding rocket launcher dude for Gdi to smash buggies and tanks. It is Your mod but im coming here with strategic idea. My general thought is that Command and Conquer lacks of Rock Scissor Paper opotion of units. Guys, cant wait for mod . One of my other point is infantry itself, i known Renegade X is a little different thatn Renegade. One I and many original people cant stand are infantry fights. Mainly all that "Unreal Tournament weird jumping and fast running" . I think it is quite unnatural. I find infantry being slower and less jumpy to be more friendly and realistic. It is Your mod, just my few cents. Wish it was all slower and less jumpy like Original Renegade Cheers, Rockstar
  4. Thanks Sarah, i guess its Steam. Ill change it later. Playing Ren X almost every day
  5. Stupid question, how to change nickname? Is it connected to email adres?
  6. I would say this is even necessary
  7. So i guess it will come unexpected One thing that will help Renegade X and i forgot to mention is pain voice like you get in renegade when you are being shot. Also when you get damaged health bar show in the middle of the screen. I think people miss it
  8. Thats some good reasons and explanations but as for being old renegade fart won't change my mind hah. Sarah, is it true that there is work on Tiberian Sun X ?
  9. Hah yeah you could have seen me that time. Didnt realize someone would recognize me here haha as old UnRules, MPF and Storm member Already stuck with Ren X, liking it more and more. I cannot agree on apc/humvee drop. What if other side has OB/Agt online and you lose wf /air ?
  10. Hello I haven't played Renegade X for a few years , it have been awhile since i placed my last proximity for ya folks. Recently i have got back to this cool game. I really love all the work and amazing graphic. Great work guys, this is the best Command and Conquer mod. I mainly play C&C Renegade at MPF Servers and time to time at RenCorner and Exouds. There are many reason i could tell you why i love this game, renegade community feels like a second family and home. Apart from all the grea things i love in Renegade x i have a few suggestions, i might be new to Renegade X but old fart to Renegade and Staff at MPF. - Infatry fight seems a bit unreal, compared to renegade all that really fast jumping and action makes it really weird. Myself never liked Unreal tournament movements, felt always awkward. I knwon Renegade x is different from C&C Renegade, although if infantry battle system like Battlefield and Renegade fits more. More tactic, sneak less jumping around. - Tank sizes, Light Tank, Med Tank and other tanks seem a bit too small compared to infantry or light vechicles. - When you lose WF or Airstrip it is better to have Arty/Mrls and Hummer/Buggy as drop options. Both Apc and Hum/Buggy seems to have same purpose - Unlimited ammo , it will makes infantry rushes much more effective I known it is your mod not mine, but some changes might make it better. My 2 cents
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